Hi folks,
I want to start by saying that I’ve been reading T-Nation for training, supplement, and nutrition advice for years, and that I have mad respect for what the site’s members have done for themselves and for other lifters. Because most journalists dog steroids pretty hard, I’d also like to add that I respect the work that goes into safely and effectively using steroids (to borrow from the forum descrip). I’ve met guys who used them while eating garbage and training like idiots, I’ve met guys who used them while eating perfectly and training perfectly, and you could not pay me to believe that steroid use without discipline and genetic predisposition is enough to win you a ball game or a foot race or the Mr. Olympia.
That said: I’m currently reporting a feature story for Reason magazine about the cultural and scientific nexus of steroid use in the U.S. Right now, the piece has a fair amount of history (Ziegler, Duchaine), and interviews with medical professionals who are open-minded/supportive of things like TRT. It’s even got some cautionary tale-type stuff (see: Mike Matarazzo).
What the piece sorely lacks at the moment is the perspective of people who have used steroids responsibly (particularly over multiple years) and people who have watched the underground scene change, grow, and self-educate in the Internet age. I have basically a million questions for those folks. How they learned to cycle and do PCT before the 'net, how the net has changed what they do, how they get their gear, whether friends or family know, whether doctors know, how the scene has changed, how the gear has changed, whether they wish they could talk to their doctors about this stuff in the event they can’t. So many Qs. I felt this particular T-Nation forum would be a great place to find just those kinds of voices, mostly because of the smart stuff I’ve read here.
I know many of you distrust the media on this topic. I also realize I’m a first-time poster. But I hope you’ll consider replying to this comment, or getting in touch via email (mlriggs.writerforhire@gmail.com). If, after talking, you feel comfortable sharing your knowledge and experience for my story, I would happily protect your identity with the use of an alias.
-Mike Riggs