Actors, Athletes, and Influencers on Steroids

Said literally this last week lol. Felt worthy of reposting.

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I have no Idea if Mike Oā€™Hearn or the Rock are on PEDs, nor would I accuse them of such.

That being said, I would think it would be near impossible for a 50+ year old man to achieve and maintain a physique similar to the the Rock or OHearn without the use of PEDs of some sort. Including TRT.

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I think a lot of people learn how much of them are needed for most people to have the I am definitely saucing look.

I did at least. I thought the beginner low dose stuff could get one 80% there haha.

I decided for me, that level of use wasnā€™t worth it. TRT levels is kinda my thing now. Being fit and athletic is enough for me.

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Currently, my Instagram account does not have any pictures of myself. As I was just trying to help young athletes with training and achievement of goals. Ogbeast_ Iā€™ll try to post some things on there today. Sorry social media isnā€™t my forte.

Thatā€™s shocking as he really didnā€™t look like he took anything in those first films.


I think Iā€™d give him a good run for his money in this first film (after I diet again :rofl:).


And usually they add in some secret sauce or overpriced supplement that only they know about or can sell them at some inflated price.

Correct. Iā€™m finding that NO ONE knows what it takes to achieve that goal whatever it is, unless youā€™ve done it yourself. Ohearn been doing this for 30+ years, I bet he can tell you where or what he was doing on this day at this exact time 25years ago. He was probably eating a meal that contain XYZ or training ex body part. Itā€™s all about consistency day in and day out and the majority of the people canā€™t do that because of obligations in their current lifestyle. Same with the rock.

I think he was probably natty there. The later movies I think is where he would sauce to get a certain look. If I was guessing the wolverine origins movie would be where I thought he was using.

Do you think Oā€™Hearn is natty?

Youā€™re replying to arguments no one is making.

No one here has said that any of these people donā€™t work hard, no one is saying they arenā€™t consistent, etc. And I think every user, on this site at least, fully appreciates what it takes to have those kinds of physiques. Not sure why you seem to think that an accusation of PED use implies the opposite.

I think people point to the later movies when he was in his late 40s as the suspects.

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Just posted some pics on insta

Iā€™ve been accused of being on my whole life. So I donā€™t accuse anyone or make the assumption that they are on. Also I know a few other naturals that are the same. Another example is Ronnie Coleman natural up to a certain point in his career

Heard an interview with 70ā€™s-80ā€™s era bodybuilder Boyer Coe awhile back on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Host John Hansen asked him how he got so big for the 1995 Masters Olympia, when he was nearly 50. He responded, ā€œBy using copious amounts of steroids and human growth hormone.ā€ I had to laugh at his candor, and I wish more of the current crop of influencers and actors were so direct.


You posted pictures of a video that looks to be at least 25 years old of you walking around at a meeting of some sort when you were 22?

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I believe Ronnie on when he said he switched to using gear. He gained about 70 lbs of lean tissue after that point. Seems unlikely if he was using before that point for him to get that much bigger.

That being said, Ronnieā€™s peak natty physique is obtainable for like less than one in a million guys. Iā€™d venture as far as to say that only a small amount of guys could achieve a physique comparable to his natty physique on gear.


IMO, this physique (which I believe to be natural), would be competitive in the Classic Physique Olympia. A high level competition (the highest) in which basically all the competitors are using gear.

Coleman is a genetic outlier (and by that like many deviations to the right haha). One shouldnā€™t expect to get those type of results natural. Not even close. Iā€™d say an average guy (meaning average genetics) at Colemanā€™s height would end up being 30 lbs lighter at the same body fat levels if he mirrored what Coleman did for training and diet.


Yes, sorry no recent locker room pictures. Iā€™m more so on the strong side of the industry as opposed to modeling/bodybuilding. I work with young athletes and young teams to achieve goals. I helped my daughterā€™s high school track team break a four-year school record. I also know John Hansen and Iā€™ve trained with him at the same gym. He may have seen the poundage Iā€™ve used and knows exactly who I am.

Iā€™m trying to reply, but my phone keeps bouncing me out and my auto correct is all messed up. Thatā€™s a 40 year school record.

Another correction, I didnā€™t train with John Hanson. We trained at the same gym may have worked in on the same exercises.

You havenā€™t taken a picture of yourself in 25 years?

Go into the bathroom.
Take your shirt off.
Take a picture.
Post it.

Otherwise, EVERYONE here thinks youā€™re bullshitting. You actually think people can look like the Rock or Oā€™Hearn while natty, which makes you seem like the least credible person in the conversation.

You said youā€™re on the strength side of the houseā€¦ what methods do you train? 531? Conjugate? Do you use percent based training? What notable records do you hold, or what lifts can currently perform under what weight?


This is kinda going nowhere and at this point I am just going to drop this and wish you A Happy New Year and to be well!

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