I have seen T Nation on YouTube and joined this morning. What variation in my work and diet should I adopt to reach my goals? Are they realistic?
My stats
62 yrs
186-188 lbs
Body fat approx. 20-23%
Slender, athletic
Walk on collegiate athlete, baseball, basketball, football.
I got lazy and away from the gym for 9 months and my weight jumped to 198 lbs. I have been two months into a minimum 4 max 5 day split routine written by my trainer. I work out 1 hour + including 15-20 minutes cardio. My strength is increasing however; I don’t see my physique changing. I play golf.
I am vegetarian: veggies, heavy on fruits, juice and water, no meat only wild caught fish (salmon).
This morning I resumed taking Creatine powder in a glass of OJ.
Build strength
Bench Press 225 lbs within 60 days from today, currently at 135 lbs, 6-8 reps.
Get down to my early college weight of 170-174 lbs.
Acquire a nice physique for vacation in July 2015
Hit a golf ball 300 yards. Golf’s longest hitter ever, Mike Austin a pro golfer, at the age of 64 hit a golf ball 516 yards in a senior tournament in Las Vegas 1972.