Basically I made the dire mistake of using benadryl for sleep which is a potent anticholinergic. I am now weaning off of it but having issues with choline rebounds. I am also keto and I am aware that eating fish/meat/dairy is very high in choline as well.
I guess I am hoping someone can advise on what I can supplement with in the mean time to reduce acetylcholine? I have done some reading and I see forskolin is being used as well as kava root.
I thank you in advance for your response.
How much Benadryl for how long? And how are you coming to the conclusion you have “too much” or are "rebounding "? I’ve worked in psych practices for over a decade and never heard this discussed. Ever. I had a patient years ago that was taking 50mg every hour! All day. If course he was psychotic, but fine shortly after stopping. Acetylcholine is our primary neurotransmitter. This isn’t like a case of serotonin storm. I’ve seen that. Scary. Just stay off the Benadryl.
I would say just cut out most chemicals used to increase sleep and just get plenty of sunlight every day.