Complicated issue going here. Am under a doctors care for anxiety, and I asked her to increase my meds after hitting a rough spot in business coinciding with a serious breakup. She asks what else I take and I mentioned the ZMA. She mentions something about too much B6 being bad, sends me out for $300 worth of blood work, then tells me that that my B6 levels are double what they should be. I have discontinued ZMA under her advise. That combined with an increase in medication is making me want to sleep all day.
On weekends or days with no morning conflicts its not uncommon to sleep 12 hours. I am doing the 5/3/1 and training 3 days a week so OT is unlikely to be a problem.
Coincidentally I have a minor back injury that the chiropractor has not been able to fix and the symptoms showed up about the time that I discontinued the ZMA. Doc says magnesium crucial for healing.
In addition the blood work shows elevated blood sugar, so I’m going back for a follow up. I have barely had almost no bread, sugar, booze or carbs of any kind since the new year, been getting stronger in the gym, and dropped several pant sizes.
It was in the 130s, and I will have it retested tomorrow or next day. NOo A1c done, the last time I had one of those was about a year ago and it was fine.
advise with another doc, its not cool, your body reactions should be monitored in order for you to know what your real status, what are your lacks and what your body able to accomplish
Got another blood test. Fasted sugar still high. No A1C done because of a communication error between Doc and lab. Argggh, It’s $300 every time I got to lab. On top of that was in minor wreck tuesday. Very mild concussion. No training for several weeks. Fun times.
Doc is pretty on board with me switching to OTC 5HTP.
I will need to delve more in depth into insulin resistance and fat loss. Lost about 2-3 pounds but several pant sixes while lifts improving. Scale seems stuck at about 215. Realized the last 5/3/1 cycle I did no conditioning or assistance work. I’m sure its a factor.