Now, I have already read the 1st 2 books and now will be reading Forever when it finally comes (I was waiting for an eBook, but I can’t be bothered waiting so I bought it over the weekend and it takes a while to come to Australia).
Anyway, I’m running 4 day program of Pro 5s and then 5x5 FSL for the 4 major lifts. The question I have is accessory lifts. I understand that it should be push/pull/core, but I’m wondering if this should be done in a circuit (without a break where I go from abs to pull ups to DB press for example all x5) or should I focus on one at a time (with 30-60 sec break within each set)?
If you just do the workouts for a few weeks you will have notions like this is too much or this is just right or I would like this Template. Once you figure this out each lift may have a different structure. I condition my upper and leave my lower as one lift. Make your workout yours.