Abysmal Progress on Squats

Looking at the video, I think the problem may be that the knees are going too far forward and you are not hinging enough at the hips. Also, you are doing a “butt wink” which is generally bad for your back. I recommend trying box squats - their form is much easier to learn and perfect.

Update if anyone is interested:

I ended up switching all my lifts to Greyskull LP Powerlifting setup, got to 100 kg for 5/4/3.
I ended up tweaking my knee out of nowhere so I had to skip squats for a week and decided I should stop messing around and make squats a priority so I went with the Russian Squat routine.
Used a very conservative max of 102, and last friday I PR’ed with 117.5kg ATG after finishing the 6 weeks. So a 10 kg weight pr. Considering that the 1x2 107.5 kg was to parallel, Im satisified with the progress.

In hindsight, I probably could have went with a max of atleast 107 and made even more gains, because the program felt fairly easy. On a RPE scale the 6x2 days felt like a 5 at most and the others hardly ever went above 7 with the occasional 8.
I also believe form and speed has improved quite a bit, which is surprising seeing how nearly half of my work sets were with only 82.5kg for doubles.
Most importantly, I actually started to look forward to my squat sessions.
So while the the gains were modest in 5 months, I believe I can finally start making some real progress again.

Awesome thread! Thanks for the updates.