Hey everyone, sorry if this is a noob question, but I really need some help from someone who has done powerlifting and is familiar with this kind of stuff. I have never done PL, in fact I am much more interesed in getting larger. I am 190 right now and since I am not very big, and Im a little weak for my weight, I am going to switch to Boring But Big for the remainder of the year to get bigger and stronger. (I want to be >200 lbs and hit B = 315, D = 455, S = 405 by the end of the year. I have no clue what a good OHP would be.)
I figure you have to have muscle before you can bitch about imbalances and the like.
Heres my question, and I know I easily could have googled it, but I am looking for a specific set of #s to make my attempts next time I go to the gym. Ill be honest, I have no damn clue how to max.
Current bests:
Bench 80 lb dumbells for 10 (exaggerated ROM at the bottom)
Squat 225 for 10 (called it when the reps started getting sloppy)
standing OHP 60 lb dumbells for 7 (touched shoulders with the weights)
deadlift - 275x3 (Mixed grip, no wraps, no chalk. I have a really weak grip for some reason.)
Also, I dont have a belt, and I cannot afford one. My gym doesnt have loaners either.
Where should I start/what should I expect?
^^^I am assuming this is not the way to do it.^^^
Thank you for your patience and input.