I have heard that after your workout is the best time to load up on a couple protein shakes… how long after your workout should you wait and second how much protein do you think would do the job? 80 grams in the form of 2 shakes (40 per shake)? I know this is a pretty amateur question but I would like some help, and this is a help forum.
Go to the T-mag previous issues section and read “Solving the Post-workout Puzzle” by John Berardi. There are two articles I think. The new Precision Nutrition article in the current issue is good too, but it may be over your head. (No offense.)
check out berardis article last week called precision nutritioin for 2002 and beyond.
I posted this response to another protein question. I think it answers your questions to.
If you’re trying to loose fat, do not consume any carbs before training.
I recommend a plan like this one:
5:00= 20 grams of a liquid protein (blended protein such as advanced protein from Biotest)
5:30= 10 grams of a liquid protein (whey isolate because of fast absorption) + 5 grams glutamine ether peptide or L
5:55= half scoop surge + 10 grams creatine
6-7:00= train + sip a half scoop of surge thou workout
7:05=half scoop surge + 10 grams creatine
7:30=10 grams of a liquid protein (whey isolate because of fast absorption) + 5 grams glutamine ether peptide or L
8:00=20 grams of a liquid protein (whey isolates because of fast absorption)
8:30=10 grams of a liquid protein (blended protein such as advanced protein from Biotest)
9:00= 30+ grams of a solid protein meal (perfect time for your steak and eggs meal)
I could go on and on about protein planing, but I wont! I’ll end it here.
This plan has produced tremendous size and strength gains for my clients and myself.
Give it a try. Good luck.