hey i am new to forums but have however read the majority or articles on this website and have been training on and off for 4 years now so i know the basics.
i am currently in a period of my life where i am not employed so therefore have acsess to the gym seven days a week.
i am currently doing a 3 day a week strength training program, but i am rather overweight (5"10. 15 stone) and was wondering would i be better off in the long run for goals of hypertrophy and stength and the inevitable drop in body fat by upping my freqeuncy? i have worked out what i believe is quite a good potential routine that i would like to share with you guys…
Pushing muscles, strength orientated
barbell bench press … 55
military press … 55
dips… 12* 2
tricep pushdown… 12*2
Chest machine 12 *2
pulling muscles, hypertrophy orientated
chin ups… 102
barbell row 102
barbell curls 102
dumbell rows 102
lateral raise 102
incline dumbell curls. 102
legs, strength orientated
sqaut. 121 81 61 55
leg press 102
other leg machines 102
pushing muscles, hypertrophy oreintated
military press 55
dumbell bench press 102
dumbell incline bench press 102
seated overhead press 102
dips 102
tricep pushdown 102
chest machine 10*2
pulling muscles, strength orientated
pull up to faliure
barbell row 46
dumbell row 55
barbell curl 28
lateral raise 55
shrugs 10*2
legs, hypertrophy orientated
sqauts. warm up – 7*7
various leg machines. 3-4 sets
just wondering if anyone has any advice at all on the best way i could progress in the lifting game.
thanks in advance.- nathan