>>When you were talking about the T-Dawg Diet, were you thinking that I should switch over to that now instead of the fast fat diet?
I’ve got this old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” (grin) There’s nothing wrong with your sticking with FF until you hit your goals. If you start breaking down or can’t stand it any longer, make the switch. In fact, since you know there’s going to be a weight regain/rebound, you might want to drop 5 pounds below your goal number as a buffer.
>>I’m not sure at all how to figure out what my needs should be per day for food or anything. I’m very strict tho when I set myself up, but need a road map before im able to do that. I mean I’ve been strict on this killer fast fat diet now for three weeks. We are talking pure low carb grow for each meal etc for three weeks…
Steeljones, start by reading the article, Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION.
T-Dawg recommends 6 meals a day. It recommends 1.5g of protein x LBM (Leam Body Mass). LBM is Total Body Weight (TBW) minus Fat Mass (FM). You’d have to have your BF tested. Fat intake on T-Dawg should be .4g x LBM. The fat should be divided up equally between however many P+F meals you would have.
Re carbs, start by getting 20g per day for a few days, go up to 30g from there, 40g of carbs after that until you hit the 70g of carbs T-Dawg recommends on days you don’t work out. You’ll be taking in 100g of carbs on days you do work out (i.e., lift weights), which allows you to use Surge.
If you have any questions after reading the artcile, feel free to post them here.
>>Yeah, I know I need to hold off on the Mag10 for a bit and will freeze it till I’m ready. But when I’m ready to gain some lbs I’m only really wanting to gain about 10-12lbs of lean body mass max.
Mag-10 will do that in a couple of two-week cycles (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off) if you construct your diet properly. Read the Mag-10 Plan for Success by using the search engine to the left of your screen.