I just finished my first cycle of mag-10, and i have to say that i was a little dissapointed after gaining only 5 pounds, dont even know where the pounds went because the my body measurement is thesame. but on the last day when i was working out my biceps my God i felt super pumped. Anyway i am going to do another cycle. i am 20 and my weight is 150 at 6’. yes i ate right 300g prot and 370g carb.

You need to tell us more than that, training routine would help.


If you didn’t gain like you wanted to, then you need to take a look at total calories. Your protein intake is okay, but 370g carbs isn’t that much at all. You’ve definitely got an ectomorph’s build, so I’m willing to bet that you can tolerate a lot more carbs than that. What was your total calorie figure? Try upping it by 500 from predominantly carbs, and you should see some more progress. The Massive Eating calorie calculations aren’t perfect for everyone, so you need to experiment to figure out how many YOU need.

Did you frontload? Did you weigh with the same scale and check bodyfat %? How did you train? Did you make good food choices?

How long was your cycle? If it was only 2 weeks then five lbs is an incredible gain especially when eating under 3000 calories.

You shouldn’t be mag 10ing when you only weigh a god damned 150lbs at 6’ tall at 20! You should be able to gain just fine without anything and with proper eating… the fact that you didn’t gain much is just further proof that you’re not doing something right. My god how long have you been training? You haven’t even come close to plateauing! Hey it’s your choice though, but I think you’re going in the wrong direction. ‘That’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.’- Dennis Miller

That’s at the very low end of typical response from 1 serving per day. I certainly
hope (as you do) that you get better results the next time.

Are these 300 g protein, 370 g carbs fairly
even divided among at least five meals or meals and shakes per day, preferably more? Three meals (for example) of 100 g protein aren’t anywhere near as good as six of 50 g.

It’s also possible you should eat more. Two and a half grams of protein per pound LBM (or per pound, period) may be preferable: two grams is minimal.

At 6 feet, 150 lb, and age 20, it wouldn’t
be surprising if something more like 375-400 g protein and around 450 g carbs (with low fat) were appropriate.

Also, make sure on the first day to take double the amount you plan to take daily, as a frontload to immediately get levels where they need to be.

Again, hope next time goes better.

Desmond, forget about MAG-10 for the moment. What you need to be doing is eating more CONSISTENTLY (i.e. every day) for at least 6-8 months. Start keeping a food log if you’re not already, and however many calories you’re taking in at the moment, up it by 500/day. If that doesn’t work, add another 250/day on top of it. Sooner or later you WILL start to put on weight, and if your training is in place most of it should be muscle. Aim for about a pound a week.

Once you do this, then you can start worrying about supplements like MAG-10. But, as you’ve now seen for yourself, no supp will help you if your eating isn’t right.

I agree… EAT MORE. At 6’ and only 150 you can afford to really REALLY over eat. Believe me… just try to actually get fat while training with the MAG 10 and I bet you’ll put on mass instead of fat and probably quick.

That is another point: almost everyone has
the genetics to be able to gain substantially more LBM
without added androgens from 150 lb at 6 feet. There are some exceptions – if
someone has come up from say 120 lb and is now equally lean at 150, then he may be an exception – but there are not many exceptions.

I’m in the same boat as you. I only gained 5lbs. but I was happy with it because I’ve been at it for so many years trying to struggle through platues. It also doesn’t kick in for me until at least the second week every time, I don’t know why. What I do is take one and a half times to two times the recomended dose and stay on it for four weeks straight, sometimes six. I’ve gotten the best results this way.

well i have been training on and off since July last year from which i took 3 months off because i had a surgery not from weight lifting though. But i remember that the first time that i weigh myself i was at 128-133. so within a year and a half i have gained almost 20lbs of mass to my frame without keeping a strict diet, that is kind of good but i wanted more that was why i went on a mag-10 cycle.
Guess what else happened yesterday and the day before when was working out my God i was doing my biceps and chest men i pumped so much blood that i could not even move my arms right, and my chest shit it felt heave as hell had a real huge pump, but that is weird because i am pumping somuch blood and i am not even on
mag-10. so is it possible that my body reacted slow Mag-10 or what.

Yes, that could be… and if it’s only a few days since you stopped taking MAG-10, there may still be enough 4-AD-EC in your system to be of benefit.