5s Progression Full Body after Long Layoff

Hi there

Im planning my restart Program with the 5s, also thinkig its better to get a full body first before going to the classic.

Now is this a goo idea

Squats 5s
OHP 5s
Pulldowns 5x10

Deadlifts 5s
Bench Press 5s
Rows 5x10

Front Squats 5s
OHP 5s
Pulldowns 5x10

Deadlifts 5s
Bench Press 5s
Rows 5x10

or should i switch to a Full Body BBB ??

I’m planning on training every other Day, i got a power rack at home so i’m pretty flexible.

Thx for advice

Why don’t you just do Jim Wendlers Fullbody Templet with 5’s Pro instead of changing the exercises like you’ve done above? :slight_smile:

the only things thats changed is the order of the exercises and switched the second squat with a Front Squat due to posture improvments, i also like front squatting heavy. Pulling movements are essential to me for healthy shoulders, and jim also recommends pulls after Presses.

The idea of this arrangement is to get a lot of 5s more frequently to been able to change to a regular upper lower classic 5/3/1 triumvirate.

What i meant here was the Full Body Full Boring template. I read it wrong