No, that’s not my total right now. That’s what it needs to be to qualify for the Raw Unity Powerlifting Championships in January of 2009 in Florida.
For the last little while, I’ve been doing a Sheiko program under the supervision of Eric Talmant. For those of you who aren’t familiar with him yet, he keeps a log here:
If at this point, you are expecting great lifts with great form, you are in the wrong log:) I made a big move (900 miles) the end of last year and pretty much stopped powerlifting and began various other training programs, none of which I enjoyed and stuck with. That, so far, has been my biggest problem is consistency and lack of focus and direction. Eric has helped me a lot with that and has helped me get myself back on track. I have quite a bit of catching up to do though.
My goals for now are:
To build overall strength.
Work on (horrible) form issues.
Finish this cycle and test the end of August.
Qualify for Raw Unity Championships in 2009 The link if anyone is interested:
I plan on taping (most of)my lifts. To anyone that doesn’t, I highly suggest doing so. Until about a month ago, I had never seen myself lift on tape before and what a shock it was to see how awful my form was. If you’re fairly new to this, do not rely on the “it feels right” feeling because it will deceive you, as it did me. It was a bit of a kick in the pants, to be honest with you but now I know and have a real idea of where I am at this moment and where I want to be and how I’ll get there.
This is what I mean by you need to see yourself on tape:
I’ve always know I lift with my back but I didn’t know I didn’t use my legs at all.
My squat - not good.
My bench. Did I tell you all how much it hurts showing you all this?
I only ask one thing of everyone - no cheerleading, please. Other then that, comment away or ask me whatever you wish.