Hello everyone I am starting a training log here. I will be documenting my next 10 weeks of training. Feel free to offer comments, constructive critizism or whatever…
As the title of the thread implies my training will be Sheiko based. I am gooing to follow the Sheiko bench press program listed here
as close as possible.
For the squat and deadlift I will train each twice a week or possibly deadlift 3 times squat once. I’m going to have to go by feel on that one because squatting puts to much of a beating on my shoulders and the squat also comes very easy to me and when my deadlift goes up my squat goes up as well. It’s usually the other way around for most people but that is how it has worked for me in the past.
Deviations from the sheiko system are as follows:
I will alwasys bench before the squat or deadlift and I will never squat and deadlift twice in the same session or day. At my stage of development for those the additional volume is not necessary. I haven’t even done a squat in over 2 months. Anyways my starting lifts are as follows:
All lifts are with no supporting gear.
415 Bench
450 Squat (160 pounds under P.R also just an estimate I will increase numbers as I go on this one.)
500 Deadlift
My goals are as follows:
435 Bench (Pretty Aggressive)
545 Squat (Believe it or not easier than bench)
525 Deadlift(Somewhere in the middle)
Also just for the record I respond very well to high volume programs such as this. I have benched up to 4 times a week so my work capacity for that lift is pretty good.
Ok, thats enough of an introduction. Anyone who has done this program before I would appreciate your input about what you liked or didn’t like or how you have improved the program for your specific needs.
Day 1
Bench - 205 X 5, 250 X 4, 295 X 3 X 2,
335 X 3 X 6
Squat - 225 X 5, 275 X 4, 315 X 3 X 2,
365 X 3 X 6
Bench - 185 X 5, 275 X 5, 315 X 4 X 4
Doesn’t look like much on paper…but man was that brutal! The 4 workout took a little longer than expected about 1:40 min. But I refuse to rest shorter than 3 min for my heavy bench. I felt like I worked hard during the workout but was still fresh when I left. The squat was very easy and although I hit all my reps on the bench with no problem it was pretty hard work and towards the end my 3rd rep was a little slow. Not struggling breaking form slow but a little slower than the first 2.