531 Two Days Per Week

I have the Beyond book. Which program are you referring to?

  1. 2x2x2 with Hypertrophy & Strength phase
  2. 2 day per week new template

For this program, I follow from one of the post in this forum:

Liking the idea of doing one main lift followed by press, pull and single leg/ core per session since I spend only 2 days per week in the gym. I applied JW’s advice regarding each category even during my 3-4 days per week. As for the assistance, my aim is to improve my pull and triceps strength hoping it will improve my bench as well. I have a bad shoulder so I only can pull down instead of pull up.

Been training for about 5 years so I’m kinda familiar with JW’s program. Body weight 86.5kg with 1RM (kg);
B: 87.5
D: 175
S: 170
M: 62.5

Was supposed to test my 1RM last March but gym closed due to Covid so I train at home with my cheap barbell set. And due to lack of weight plate and shitty bar, I substitute my deadlift, squat and press with SLDL, front squat and incline press. I notice my bench is better now in 5s & 3s wave (Juggernaut Method). Deadlift and squat definitely improve in term of speed and RPE, especially deadlift.

I’m more interested with strength without getting fat and always looking forward to improve my time especially in running and cycling. Cardio mainly running 4-5km on non lifting day and jogging or fast the next day preparing my body for lifting the next day. And hopefully able to restore my bike in the nearest time so I can cycling back to work. Ah, and I love to eat. :smiley: