Hi all,
Just finished reading Beyond 5/3/1 (I would’ve liked to get my hands on 5/3/1 Forever, but it’s not available in the UK yet, it seems). My TM’s for the main lifts would be;
Squat 130kg TM
Deadlift 130kg TM
OHP 55kg TM
Bench 80kg TM
I was hoping on running the 5/3/1 template with FSL sets of 3x5, as well as the ‘simplest strength template’ with the different periodized accessory movements.
Squat 5/3/1 + FSL 3x5 + Sumo deadlift 3x5 / Romanian deadlift, Ab wheel.
Bench 5/3/1 + FSL 3x5 + OHP 3x5 / Tricep pushdown, facepull, chins
Deadlift 5/3/1 + FSL 3x5 + Front squat / Pendlay row, Lat pulldown, hanging leg raise
OHP 5/3/1 + FSL 3x5 + Bench 3x5 / Tricep pushdown, facepull, lat pull down
I hope I’m getting the right idea with the book? This is my first time fleshing out my own kind of programming, I’ll admit that I’ve only ever used other peoples programs up until this point.