Due to time constraints I can only make the gym three days a week for 60 mins. I like focusing on one main lift a day so my plan was to omit Bench as a main movement (current gym only has one and its always busy) and keep the main lift frequency at once a week. I will be DB benching and Dipping as assistance on two days to keep my chest growing.
I stretch every day and cycle 25 miles 5 days a week
Leader: 2-3 cycles of the program you laid out
Anchor: 1-2 cycles of the same thing, just replace 5’s Pro with Original 5/3/1 (5/3/1 sets and reps, PR set on the last set each week), take off 5x5FSL and increase the assistance stuff to 50-100 within the time limit you have.
If PR sets each week is too much, change the setup to 3/5/1 and only do them on “3” and “1” weeks, with “5” week being basically 5’s Pro.
If you prefer to keep assistance to the low side (25-50 as in the Leader), after PR sets follow up with Jokers (1-2 sets of 1-3 reps, 5-10% increase, only on the weeks you do PR sets if you’re not doing them each week).
Everything else as usual, increase TM by usual amount after each Leader and Anchor cycle, deload between Leader and Anchor, TM test after Anchor