Here is the situation. A relative of mine recently found out that he has a serious cholestrol problem. He was about 25 pounds overweight a few months ago. He started walking/jogging again and that´s the only sport he´s ever done and he actually enjoys it. I helped him with the nutrion (basicly more protein, healthy fats, less carbs other than veggies, berrys, fruits).
He´s lost about 25 pounds since, most from the belly and some from the whatever little muscle he had. Cholestrol is better too. I finally convinced him to go to gym with me next week and he was thinking of adding one gym session a week to his schedule. I said great, it´s way better than no gym at all, let´s do it.
I´d really appreciate your help to set up the “program” guys.
-50 years old
-jogging only sport ever done
-No belly anymore
-Posture is quite good, no major problems
-Goal is to help him save/gain some muscle to keep his metabolism going.
We would start the session with some “Magnificient Mobility” movements. I was thinking of building the “program” around squats/lunges, Rows/chins and DB bench presses, around 12-15 total sets, 10-15 rep range at first. Maybe throw some wall slides/other shoulder stability movement after that and that´s it.
Any ideas, random thoughts etc are very much appreciated!!!
[quote]Finnman wrote:
I´d really appreciate your help to set up the “program” guys.
-50 years old
-jogging only sport ever done
-No belly anymore
-Posture is quite good, no major problems
-Goal is to help him save/gain some muscle to keep his metabolism going.
We would start the session with some “Magnificient Mobility” movements. I was thinking of building the “program” around squats/lunges, Rows/chins and DB bench presses, around 12-15 total sets, 10-15 rep range at first. Maybe throw some wall slides/other shoulder stability movement after that and that´s it.
Any ideas, random thoughts etc are very much appreciated!!!
Sounds like a good plan in terms of set up, although I think he might struggle with chins at the moment? See if you can get him to do a fullbody prog 2 x week to start, as once a week is going to make it hard for him to progress. Maybe an A/B type plan so he has 2 different sessions in the week?
How’s his blood pressure? It might be advisable to get that checked if he hasn’t already and be careful with the intensity in the beginning.
It’s never too late to start and hopefully if he has a gradual introduction he might get hooked!