5/3/1 Upper Body Assistance

hi men.i have a question for you about Jim’s 5/3/1.
what’s your opinion about assistance work for upper body?

i have Jim’s book and he proposed chins total 100 reps with
body weight and dips total 100 reps with body weight.
but i can’t do so much reps.i can do them only if i do
many sets, above 12-15.

for example i can do something like 10/8/6… and then sets
of 6 reps until 100 total reps on chins and something like
10/10/10/10/10/6… and then sets of 6 reps until 100.

shoould i continue to do 100 total reps with so many sets
or do something different like lower reps with a dumbell or
something like that?I WAIT FOR YOUR OPINION…!!!

why don’t you start with 50 and work your way up

I would suggest just doing 5 sets for as many reps as you can, and trying to beat that number each time.

I believe wendler are talking about a total of 100reps pr week on dips and chins, wich means you can
do a total of 50reps each session pr excercise.


Bench: 531.
chins: 10x5/5x10/7x7 etc.
dips: 10x5/5x10/7x7 etc.

press: 531.
chins: 10x5/5x10/7x7 etc.
dips: 10x5/5x10/7x7 etc.

[quote]Chris87 wrote:
I would suggest just doing 5 sets for as many reps as you can, and trying to beat that number each time.[/quote]
i have done it but i never tried to do 100 total reps.
for this i began to do 100 total reps with as many sets as it is possible to
do them.

According to your previous thread, just last month you were doing the HP Mass program. Jumping between routines this quickly is one way to guarantee slow progress.

[quote]fanatic gate 7 wrote:
i have Jim’s book and he proposed chins total 100 reps with body weight and dips total 100 reps with body weight.
but i can’t do so much reps.i can do them only if i do many sets, above 12-15.[/quote]
I’ll repeat what Wendler has said previously:

5/3/1: How to Build Pure Strength -
“Some people look for the magic combination of assistance exercises, and completely under-rate the key lift,” Wendler notes. “I call that majoring in the minors. Assistance work is just that â?? assistance. Do one or two exercises for five sets of 10, or maybe do a few more exercises for fewer sets. It’s assistance. It doesn’t fucking matter.”

“I sometimes just give people a rep number and let them make it up on their own. Say, ‘push movement: 60 reps,’ or ‘pull: 100 reps.’ It’s all just working the muscle.”

From the Ebook (1st edition):
“Assistance Work #5 - Bodyweight
When I want to focus on feeling athletic and healthy while still maintaining muscle mass, I do this. It’s probably my favorite template to do these days other than Jack Shit. This involves doing all your assistance work with bodyweight exercises.

I recommend no less than 75 reps per exercise for each workout.

The disadvantage is that you can’t really load most of these exercises, so the only way to improve is with more reps or sets - not with more weight.”

[regarding dips]:
"I’d rather do full range bodyweight dips than half-range weighted dips. The sets and reps on this exercise are dependent on your relative strength, so it’s hard to give recommendations, but since you’re going to ask:

  • 50 total reps for weighted dips.
  • 100 total reps if you’re just using your bodyweight.
    These numbers are just recommendations, so you can do more or less depending on your strength level."

[regarding Chins]:
“Chins are one of the best upper back, lat and biceps exercises you can do. If you want to build your strength in these but can’t do a lot of them, try doing low reps (2-5) and multiple sets (10-20). Do this two or three times a week.”

Can you figure out the answer to your question from this info?

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
According to your previous thread, just last month you were doing the HP Mass program. Jumping between routines this quickly is one way to guarantee slow progress.

[quote]fanatic gate 7 wrote:
i have Jim’s book and he proposed chins total 100 reps with body weight and dips total 100 reps with body weight.
but i can’t do so much reps.i can do them only if i do many sets, above 12-15.[/quote]
I’ll repeat what Wendler has said previously:

5/3/1: How to Build Pure Strength -
“Some people look for the magic combination of assistance exercises, and completely under-rate the key lift,” Wendler notes. “I call that majoring in the minors. Assistance work is just that â?? assistance. Do one or two exercises for five sets of 10, or maybe do a few more exercises for fewer sets. It’s assistance. It doesn’t fucking matter.”

“I sometimes just give people a rep number and let them make it up on their own. Say, ‘push movement: 60 reps,’ or ‘pull: 100 reps.’ It’s all just working the muscle.”

From the Ebook (1st edition):
“Assistance Work #5 - Bodyweight
When I want to focus on feeling athletic and healthy while still maintaining muscle mass, I do this. It’s probably my favorite template to do these days other than Jack Shit. This involves doing all your assistance work with bodyweight exercises.

I recommend no less than 75 reps per exercise for each workout.

The disadvantage is that you can’t really load most of these exercises, so the only way to improve is with more reps or sets - not with more weight.”

[regarding dips]:
"I’d rather do full range bodyweight dips than half-range weighted dips. The sets and reps on this exercise are dependent on your relative strength, so it’s hard to give recommendations, but since you’re going to ask:

  • 50 total reps for weighted dips.
  • 100 total reps if you’re just using your bodyweight.
    These numbers are just recommendations, so you can do more or less depending on your strength level."

[regarding Chins]:
“Chins are one of the best upper back, lat and biceps exercises you can do. If you want to build your strength in these but can’t do a lot of them, try doing low reps (2-5) and multiple sets (10-20). Do this two or three times a week.”

Can you figure out the answer to your question from this info?[/quote]
yes i was doing HP mass programm for 6 weeks.i don’t changed this
because i look for a magic routine but i changed this because i think
that this routine has got too much volume and my body can’t do so
much volume for more than 5-6 weeks.AND IF ANYONE WONDER IF HP MASS
for this reason i came back to 5/3/1 which has got lower volume and
i have done it for more than 7 months continuously in the past and
i know that it works very well for me.

i have read jim’s 5/3/1 manual but i didn’t remember all these details.
ok i will do 15-20 sets of chins and as many reps as i can and i will do
weighted dips for 50 reps.


sorry for my english but i am greek…

On your bench day do a row, maybe some face pulls. On your military day do chins. Maybe a skull crusher or floor press on your bench day also. Simple.

Yasou file!

Ego areso na valo miltary press 5 x 10 meta apo to bench press
kai bench press 5 x 10 meta apo to military press

Etsi bories na ta kanis dio phores stin evthomada!

[quote]Malaka79 wrote:
Yasou file!

Ego areso na valo miltary press 5 x 10 meta apo to bench press
kai bench press 5 x 10 meta apo to military press

Etsi bories na ta kanis dio phores stin evthomada! [/quote]

kai ego afto kano. :stuck_out_tongue:

when i should start add weight on chins?
when i can do 50 total reps with only 5 sets of 10?or not?
because now i do about 18 sets of 5-6 reps and 10 reps on my first
set until i do 100 total reps, but if i do that every upper body workout
takes me more than 90 minuites.

if its confusing/too difficult, just pick another template from the book