4 lifts, 4 week template. Has anyone ever tried this in such a way that all the lifts are one week out of phase with one another? This way every week, one workout is 5s, one is 3s, one is 1s, and one is deload.
Seems reasonable to me.
4 lifts, 4 week template. Has anyone ever tried this in such a way that all the lifts are one week out of phase with one another? This way every week, one workout is 5s, one is 3s, one is 1s, and one is deload.
Seems reasonable to me.
I don’t see why not.
I’m thinking of trying the same thing next week; will start with 5/3/1 for deadlifts and then work my way for a few weeks back into the back squat, which I’ve laid off of for a few months. I plan then on beginning the 5/3/1 for squat.
Seems like smolov.
Not how 5/3/1 is meant to be run.
[quote]sexyxe wrote:
Seems like smolov.
Not how 5/3/1 is meant to be run. [/quote]
It sounds absolutely nothing like Smolov. Explain?
Sounds like applying undulating periodization to 5/3/1. It could work very well. Try it and report back.
Whatever gets you results. I changed the typical M/T/Th/F routine to Th/F/M/T for more rest between my heavy lower days. Its helped keep me more fresh.
That is how i would recommend running 5x3x1. Whether it is “correct” or not, i cant say. But here is my experience in regards to your post:
When you set up your 5x3x1 template, you are basing it off 90% of your 1RM, so initially all of your PR lifts at each level are relatively light, though you are able to hit more than the prescribed amount of reps. But as you complete each 4 week cycle, you add 5 & 10 lbs to your max and recalculate. Eventually your percentages get closer to your true 1RM, and your prescribed reps start getting closer as well. Inevitably, you will reach a point where you cannot get the required reps for that session. At this point, it is advised to go drop some weight off your Max Calculation, and then start working forward again. 2 steps back, 3 steps forward.
But here was my issue: As the weight got closer to my true Rep Maxes, i was getting really fried trying to hit 4 1RM’s in one week. It became very difficult to Bench, OH Press, Squat, & Dead to a heavy single, especially as i began working at a weight that i had the potential of failing at, and especially for the lifts that were later in the week, lifts 3 and 4.
What i began to do was stagger my lower body moves (Squat and dead) and upper body moves (Bench and OH Press). So that when i was at my singles week for one of the moves, i was on a deload week for the other. This made a major difference in how i was able to push through cycles and continue adding weight. I also began using the 5x3x1 template for powerlifitng for my lower body moves. This double stagger really let me push each lift hard without getting too beat up late in the week.
Here is how i set up my program that made the most sense in conjunction with work and life:
Bench, OHP - 5, 3, 1, Deload
Squat, Dead - 3 (just prescribed reps), 5 (just prescribed reps), 1 (get after it) , Deload
Cycle 1
Wk 1
M: Bench - 5
T: Dead - 5
W: Hill work
TR: OHP - 1
F: Squat - 3
Wk 2
M: Bench - 3
T: Dead - 1
W: Hill work
TR: OHP - Deload
F: Squat - 5
Wk 3
M: Bench - 1
T: Dead - Deload
W: Hill Work
TR: OHP - 5
F: Squat - 1
Wk 4
M: Bench - Deload
T: Dead - 3
W: Hill Work
TR: OHP - 3
F: Squat - Deload
Recalculate %'s, and restart.
I will run this for 2 or 3 cycles, look over all my data, and re stagger the days and accessory template. It keeps it fresh.
If you have any more specific questions, please feel free. I have a lot of data from running this program, and have had great results.
[quote]kghof wrote:
Sounds like applying undulating periodization to 5/3/1. It could work very well. Try it and report back.[/quote]
Not actually for me but a training buddy. I believe I convinced him to try it yesterday. If he goes through with it I’ll report back on his behalf.
[quote]csulli wrote:
[quote]sexyxe wrote:
Seems like smolov.
Not how 5/3/1 is meant to be run. [/quote]
It sounds absolutely nothing like Smolov. Explain?[/quote]
Well, now I think about it… If it was to be just the one lift done, like smolov you drop reps, but increase weight over the week, like you would doing a 5, 3, 1 day.
Sort of…
Made more sense in my head