I use the Black Iron Beast calculator to work out my percentages etc, and it gives the benches on the Monday and Squats on the Friday as 3 sets of 5 at 55%, 65% and 75%, rather than the 5/3/1 sets. I’ve also seen this version referenced on forums.
So my question is (and I expect I know what the answer would be) which is right.
And if its the 5/3/1 sets twice a week for squats and bench, is it 3x5 twice rather than once in a week, and then move onto the 3x3 twice in the second week? So you’d be doing the same sets and reps with the same weight twice in the week?
My question is though, is the squat session on the Friday a full 5/3/1 set/rep scheme ie squat session #2, or not. If it is, there would be 6 sessions before deload - would squat session 1 and 2 be the same, 3 and 4 be the same, 5 and 6 be the same?
You repeat Monday’s workout on Friday…so it still takes 3 weeks for a cycle. If you search there are a bunch of threads giving more details about this template.
Thanks @strong_runner, so in that case, is the squat/bench workout done twice in the same week, on the Monday and Friday, with the same sets/reps/weights?
I think it’s the same. Day 1 and 3 would be squat and bench 5 x65%, 5 x 75%, 5 x 85%. Day 2 would be deadlift and press using the same percentages. Week 2 you would use the second weeks percentages (70,80,90), performing squats and bench twice using the same percentages.
I’ve done a bit of a search around, but I see conflicting answers. The one i see more of is what i did today - with the Monday bench presses being lighter, and without the FSL sets.