I had a car accident just yesterday…nothing too serious luckily but my neck/back hurt a little. Apart from the thought of my daughters and wife that are both ok and my car which is destroyed…the second thought is: Heck, I cannot train!
Really guys I’m not mad and I’m kiddin’ a bit but the question is: how do you guys handle stops during such a programmed cycle like the 5/3/1?
I was thinking about resting a week as the doctor at hospital told me so and than restarting from the beginning of the week (I had to start the second week - 3x3 - and so maybe it’s wiser to repeat the first week - 3x5) what do yo think?
Now let’s look for some good used car…
Just finished my second month, next week is deload…I’m a little discouraged because my press seems to go nowhere: today I had my last 5/3/1 day of the week, the press called for 62.5Kg. x 1+ and I only had 2 reps (not counting the first rep that I did push press style).
Every advice is apreciated!!
The upper body movements using 531 will always progress slower than the lower body movements. That’s just the nature of the movements (less muscles).
I had this problem with Military Press, I could not get by 135x5 for months. What I did to solve it was I switched Military Press for Push Press for 2 months and then returned to do 140x8 on my first month back. This is entirely my own opinion, I’m not an expert and have only been doing 531 for a year.
Interestingly, there is a thread currently active in Christian Thibadeau’s section that is debating Military Press vs Push Press right now. I’m willing to bet you could get some good info from there as well.
I agree with the posters above; just want to add that presses seem to need more frequency to improve.
Doing BBB MP on bench day and dips on MP day helped me get through a plateau on MP. Of course, BP suffered a little…but as Jim Wendler says, “choose your battles”!
[quote]sufiandy wrote:
What are you even using to compare 62.5Kg x 2 reps and consider not good progress to if you have only been doing it for 2 months? [/quote]
The reason is that before these 2 months I did one of my “ol’ style cycle”, an easy linear progression, lasted 3 months where, manipulating sets and reps I did 60Kg. 5x5. so, I thought the 62.5Kg. would be easier and I expected more reps, that’s all.
Gotta find a way tu press more I really like this exercise but it’s really hard.
Thanks to all.