40, On TRT for Many Years, Help

Hi guys, My med insurance has (for the time being) gone tits up!
This means that my Androderm patches will now cost me $$521.00 per month!!!


What ideas do you have?
I am open to new products, I have been on TRT from when I was 30 (and may have needed it years before) I am 40 now and im “trying” to train again after falling off the wagon for 10 years (lame I know).

There MUST be other alternatives out there…

Thanks in advance for the feedback.

Is a vial of test cheaper? It might be an option if it is.

A couple hundred mgs of test per week along with some adex should only run you about 30-40 bucks per month.

Thank you, but I don’t know what those are…

What are they?, how are they used? and where can I get them?

Im a noob in some ways :stuck_out_tongue:

talk to your doc about the insurance problem and see if it would be possible for him to prescribe some test that you inject. It should be a little more cost friendly.

Try the over 35 lifters forum, they are obsessed with TRT!

$500 a month? Fuck. See if your doc will write you for Delatestryl or, better yet, a generic enanthate or cyp. That shit should be pretty cheap since the patents expired many years ago- unlike Androderm

Wow guy THAT was uncalled for AND this should have been posted as a PM not here in this thread showing everyone else what a twat you can be…

I thought that this was the point of forums like this help and advise (ugh, some peoples kids).

ANYWAY…thanks to everyone else who wrote with ides and comments (just please keep yer twat in yer pants I already live with one)

And keep the input flowing, it’s the whole point to sites like this (YAY internet!)

What can I say, YOU offered to advise me.
I took you up on that offer, and was then cracked across the face for doing so…

Accepting said offer in YOUR world somehow equals abuse…

I just don’t get you, guess I caught you in a BAD mood…

ANYWAY, if there are folks here who WOULD like to advise me hit me up Im listening.

Hate to break it to you Steve but I dont see too much more help coming your way.

If maybe you would of put 5-10 hours worth of research/reading in and then came back with some sort of clue as to what you wanted to do and why you would of been much further ahead.

We have no problems pointing you in the right direction as a few of us have, just dont expect to be spoon fed all the answers.

Theres a reason that many of us know as much as we do, and its not because someone told us all the answers every time we asked.

Sounds like Bushy has a fanboy, look boys and girls if you have something helpful to say thats great and appreciated.

But if all your going to do is get pissy and snipe noobs on your butties behalf then I’m betting most of us don’t want to halve to read it.

10 years on TRT and you have absolutely no understanding of what alternatives are available, and you do not know what test is? Come on man

I call BS in this one, sounds to me like some high school kid fishing for info, “internet yay!”

This thread is a sick joke.

In fact this is worse than the 19 yr old fuck on a gram of gear.


[quote]Steve8867 wrote:.

But if all your going to do is get pissy and snipe noobs on your butties behalf then I’m betting most of us don’t want to halve to read it. [/quote]

What’s a buttie? A woman’s glute?
Don’t halve to read? You mean only partial comprehension? That seems to be your issue.

[quote]Steve8867 wrote:
Sounds like Bushy has a fanboy…[/quote]

I’m pretty gay for Bushy myself. What of it?

Comprehension isn’t the issue, posting at 2:30am after a painful night in the warehouse moving things by hand is (I was lucky I could read at all).

I will be 41 this aug. 8th (1967).

Nice to see I STILL have a knack for bring’in out the tools=mouthy asshats (haven’t been flamed this much in years!).

Good lord look at’em all, The Bushy Army!!

In a world where research on Performance Enhancing Drugs is conflicting at worst and limited at best, a guy like Bushy, who has used more PEDs than even I am willing to take, is priceless.

You see we rely heavily on anecdotal experiences with AAS and other PEDs. The fact that he has played around with so many compounds a dosages, and is willing to share his experiences, freely with people, makes him worth his weight in gold. Not to mention he has made sacrifices for the community in other ways, that many would not be willing to do.

So, if you have a problem with it then just leave. Otherwise stop digging the hole you are in any deeper.