40, On TRT for Many Years, Help

I am confused as to how you thought you could come into this forum in the first place and ask us straight up to tell you where to get test or give up our suppliers? It does not work like that around here. Also, you offended one our main forum leaders, so you might as well move on to another site. Try bb.com, maybe they can help you find some more cream to rub on.

Sorry I forget that for many of you test is a CAT 3 or 4 controlled substance, as in illegal without a perscription.

But for me it’s just a scrip.
I HAVE to supplement, and most Doctors support that.

The only problem I have is with insincere pricks and the fanboys/followers that just want to join up and flame someone/ANYONE.

At this point I would like to speak with an Admin, maybe this is an issue of perspective …

I’m not thinking in terms of GIVING UP a source (like a DEALER), I just know that well…I don’t know enough.

Any of the online pharms will ship legally to you if you have a script.

They will ship illegally to you if you dont!

Now are you judging those who use illegally? That wouldn’t be nice would it now Steven.

Its nice to see that even when our natural test is all dried up we will still have enough arrogance left to piss of 20 people in a couple of sentances on the net.


go to an online pharmacy, buy some testosterone ethianate, take 200mg every 10 days for the rest of your life, leave bushy alone, and fuck off!

Sorry but since there was some venom with that " advise " I’ll have to assume your just trying to hurt me.

AND I am not judging someone for using legally or otherwise but some people are getting MAD because I AM asking for advise or sources (did I really ask for sources when all this began? don’t recall).

Was just trying to get help but then I angered the wrong person and his gang (darn kids) and I’ve been gettin flamed ever after.

I think some are getting mad cause I WILL speak up for myself, instead of going away.

Unreal. Bad news for you, bushy has a fanboard here. He has helped more of us than he should have.

You come onto a internet steroid forum and ask for “alternatives”? If you want a legal alternative, ask your fucking doctor. If you’ve been on TRT for that long and you are this clueless that speaks volumes.

Personally, before I put ANY drug into my body, I reasearch it on my own and ask others what they think.

You already got some good advice. Find testosterone, inject on your own at 150mg weekly, spend less than $100 per month.



In the time it took you to partake in this pissing match you could of spent a couple hours reading through a couple dozen threads.

In that time you would have learned what dosages of test, what type of test is used and what other extras go with it. Possibly understanding more about it along the way.

Instead you wish to be spoon fed this information and got annoyed when things didnt go your way.

We are all about helping people here, however your attitude just plain stinks.

Steve please could you explain this post to me.


it appears you were asking what trt was in 2006, despite you having been on it for ten years in 2008.

I wasnt the best scholar back in my school days but i think i am right in seeing there is not 10 years between then and now.

yes thats it. read my post, and act accordingly.

am i really going to be so malicious as to try to hurt you in real life because you are a bit of a dick on here? no pal, i’m not.

online pharms are totally legal if you have a script - and you do.

Even when they arent legal they still deliver! wtf? how could this be venom?

I am not mad at you, i am really really indifferent! lol! bored, say something else!! go on! make me laugh!! :smiley:

"Hey folks, my doc tells me I have a condition called Hypergonadism which means my body is NOT making enough testosterone.

What I would like to know is what is the best Testosterone replacement therapy ?

F.Y.I. I am not a body builder, just a joe whos low on the go-juice.

Age 38 "

Hmmmmmm, let me see…well it looks like Im asking a question about the best option for TRT becase THIS should be the best place to find out.

Why does the date matter?
I did not ALWAYS know about this site, took a while to find it.

[quote]testanabol wrote:
Steve please could you explain this post to me.


it appears you were asking what trt was in 2006, despite you having been on it for ten years in 2008.

I wasnt the best scholar back in my school days but i think i am right in seeing there is not 10 years between then and now.[/quote]

motherFUCKER!! what a sly twat!! lololol!

Lol, Didn’t mean you JJ the VENOM was the other guy.

And if I do SEEM like a dick?
How would YOU feel after getting flamed for days?

Hell anytime I DARE speak for myself, SLAM!!

I think this is what they call the domino effect, this is just building up a life all it’s own until I go away I guess (ain’t happenin).

[quote]Steve8867 wrote:
"Hey folks, my doc tells me I have a condition called Hypergonadism which means my body is NOT making enough testosterone.

What I would like to know is what is the best Testosterone replacement therapy ?

F.Y.I. I am not a body builder, just a joe whos low on the go-juice.

Age 38 "

Hmmmmmm, let me see…well it looks like Im asking a question about the best option for TRT becase THIS should be the best place to find out.

Why does the date matter?
I did not ALWAYS know about this site, took a while to find it.[/quote]

Why in gods name should this site be the best place to find out that?! A medical site would fuckhead.
You come in here stirring up shit, changing your questions and think we cant read you previous ones? wtf? stupid fuck.

We arent interested in your useless fucking bollocks. Go talk to your doctor. Since when is this the forum for us to tell you what prescriptions you need. You are not a bodybuilder and i am not a doctor. You go elsewhere sparky.

piss off.

“Hypergonadism” is the gonads secreting too much hormone actually mr troll.

Damn, I’m sure there’s no connection to all this heat and lowbrow language and it being a Steroid thread.

I can be a tool as easy as anyone (maybe because of the constant attacks?) but could it be everyone has just too much T?

See? look what you made me do, now I AM trying to be a dick.

But really how do I talk to an Admin. this has just gotten past stupid and into sad.

It seems you don’t get the fact that the knowledgeable posters in this forum don’t just spoon feed information. We all understand you can get test with your prescription, and that we don’t need to give you sources… The problem is that you act like we all owe you some information because you’ve taken the trouble to log into the forums. If, instead, you’d read a few threads, and even followed the advice in the first few posts, I’m sure you would have quickly arrived at a solution sans flaming.

and graphicsman… what would happen if he actually approached a reputable online pharm that specializes in steroids with his prescription?


Let me know how you get on with admin, I am interested to know how that goes

Id be interested as well. Since the half dozen of us you seem to have an issue with likely have a combined post count of about 15 thousand, 20 if push posted in this thread.

On top of that many of us are level 3 and 4 customers.

On top of that all we did was offer you the same advice everyone else gets, you just didnt do anything with it other than bitch and complain.