Ive just ordered some T-2 and MD6.On July 1st I plan to start a cutting phase. I also have a some norandrosol and androsol.I was thinking of starting with 70 sprays combined twice a day for the first two weeks then going down to 35 sprays in the morning for the next two weeks .Is this cycle of andro too long?Im currently 185 approx 15% body fat.My shedule is totally open for the next month. I was wondering what program i should follow though.
Body Comp or german volume or something else?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.Thanks guys.
For a complete evaluation, also tell us what diet you’ll be using.
Hi Chris thanks for the response.Basically I’ll
be following a zone like isocaloric diet for thwe first two weeks at just below maintaince for calories.I work at a golf course during the day part time doing manual labour so I figure I could disappear if I dropped them too much + keto like diets would drive me too nuts.I guess your getting to the point that Im taking care of my supplements and not the rest of basics.Actually i just finished a 8 week bulking massive eating phase where i went from 169 12-13% body fat to 185 14-15% bodyfat.Is massive eating as good for fat loss at below maintainence.Thanks
Yes, using the Massive Eating food combining ideas is great for fat loss. You just lower calories. BTW, many people have experienced fat loss while using their maintenance intake of cals while Massive Eating. So don’t drop cals too low; it may not be necessary with Massive Eating.
As for training, the type of weight training you do while on a fat loss program is not that big a deal. There’s really no need to do anything special. If your diet is in order, the fat will come off regardless of the specifics of your training. GVT and GBC are good programs, but your focus should be on diet first, training second. Any good program that revolves around free weights and compound movements is fine. Toss in a little cardio if you need it.
For supplements, a T2/MD6 stack is great. If you want to add in Andro/Nandrosol and stay on longer, then I’d suggest 4 weeks of morning only dosing. If you want to use both products, don’t mix them. Just do 35 sprays on your upper body from one bottle and 35 sprays on your lower body (or anywhere where you don’t overlap) from the other bottle. Another option is to use full dosage for two weeks and then go to Methoxy-7 and Tribex for the last two weeks.
What are the benefits as far as 1 dose a day for a month or 2 a day for 2 weeks in regards to gaining /maintaining mass and fat loss