4 Day Workout

Hey, I’ve been going to the gym for about 4 months now and I’ve see in some improvements since the star but I’m looking to get a bit more serious now.

Age: 23
Height: 5’8
Weight: 155lb (not sure about bf but its definitely high)

I was thinking of doing this workout schedule

Monday - Military Press (MR: 75lb)
Tuesday - Deadlift (MR: 205lb)
Thursday - Bench Press (MR: 125lb)
Friday - Squat (MR: 175lb)

Keep in mind, most of those MRs come with bad form so I guess my number one focus should be good form and worry about the weights after. But do you guys think that is a good 4-day split workout? and I want to incorporate machines in there too but not sure which ones. Any help will be great and much appreciated

Find a structured program that is laid out in detail and just do that. You gave almost no usable info in your post. When you describe a program, describe it as if you were explaining to someone how to do that program, and every detail has to be laid out. Check out SL, SS, 5/3/1 are any structured program and do that for 12 months, bust your ass, and then start toying with writing your own program.

T H I S ^.

5/3/1 would give you the 4-day split you seem to want and would be easy for you to implement no matter what kind of gym you are in. Whatever program you choose at this point will work…just don’t be switching programs for a while. Eat a lot, and train for 2-3 more years and good things are bound to happen. It’s not that complicated at this point.

I’ve done that exact same daily split using the 5/3/1 template and it worked very well. I highly suggest getting the book. Jim recommends some assistance work, but as a beginner, I would stick to the basics (more squat variations, presses, pullups). Google “5/3/1 beginners” or “boring but big”. Machines are not needed, at least at this point in your training.