I am going to try out a conjugate 3x3 type program for awhile as opposed to the WS/MM I have been doing. I am doing this because I want to try something different and because I prefer 3 day a week workouts for various reasons.
So here is the template me and my training partner will be using. Feel free to make comments or suggestions as I am sure we will make changes here and there as we go along.
We will be squatting, benching, and deadlifting 3 x a week with some minor assistance work mainly rows, abs, and some reverse hypers. Each lift will have a max day, speed day, and rep day.
We will be following a 3 week wave working to a heavy 3 the first week in 8 sets or less and max singles for weeks 2 and 3 with a back off single or double around 90-95% (of new max) on week 3.
Week 4 will be recovery/assist/BB work in the 8-20+ rep range also waved. Then repeat cyle.
Some chain and band work will also be utilized.
Here’s the general idea:
Wk1 day1 day2 day3
Sq 3rm/6-8sets Speed 6rm/4-5sets
Bp 6rm (pause) 3rm Speed/3x3
3brd CG Dl* Speed 6rm (deficit) 3rm
*Dl’s will be pulled for cluster sets.
Wk2 d1 d2 d3
Sq 1rm Speed 3x6/2x3+chain
Bp 6rm 1rm Speed+3x3 3b cg
Dl Speed+4x1 6rm(def) 1rm
Low pin
Wk3 d1 d2 d3
Sq 1rm Speed 2x6/3x3+chain
Bp 6rm(P) 1rm Speed+3x3 3b cg
Dl Spd+4x1 6rm 1rm
@85% (6rm)
Low pin
Also week 2 we will work to non-belt max with week 3 being belted.
We will try to work in some assistance in the lats, abs, rev hypers for a couple of sets of 5-8 either by supersetting or after main lifts.
Wk 4 will be waved over 3 days of various assist/recovery work like so:
Day 1 3x15-20
Day 2 3x12-15
Day 3 3-5x8-12
That’s the blueprint. I am excited to see what REALLY happens. We start tonight.