February 26, 2010, 9:30pm
This is a video of the final week of my 3rd 5/3/1 cycle.
Back Squat 420x2
Axe Press 201x3
Deadlift 500x5
Bench Press 325x2
Very happy with the deadlift and axe press. The squat is an modest improvement over last cycle. Pretty angry with the bench press.
Looks like the bar is wide and somewhat flattened, like an axe handle.
March 1, 2010, 5:04pm
[quote]Old Dax wrote:
axe = axle?[/quote]
I guess you guys aren’t familar with strongman implements. We call it the “axe” short for apollons axe. BTW the yoke is the yoke, not the yolk.
March 17, 2010, 3:29pm
[quote]Crow wrote:
[quote]Old Dax wrote:
axe = axle?[/quote]
I guess you guys aren’t familar with strongman implements. We call it the “axe” short for apollons axe. BTW the yoke is the yoke, not the yolk.[/quote]
I always thought it was Apollon’s Axle
see Apollon's Axle - thick bar world champion -
oh well…