This thread is for myself, Phatshady912, and Dreaded to chronicle our training to reach a 405 bench, all for the prize of two tubs of Surge (one from each other contestant.)
Proof in the form of a video will be required. This thread is for us to record what works for us, what sucked, how difficult it is to get a 405, try ideas from other t-nationites, inspire some newbies, provide feedback to the community, and ultimately lead to the creation of a 405-495 training thread.
As I am also pursuing some additional strength/size goals, my current Bench-related split looks like this.
Tuesday: Bodybuilding chest day
Thursday: Bodybuilding/speed Triceps
Sunday: Heavy Bench and shoulder health work
Admittedly, it’s not the ideal plan for upping your bench, but it’s been working so far, and until it fails to produce results for me, I see no reason to deviate from it.
So, Tuesday
would be;
DB bench: 4x(10,8,6,6)x90 partial reps and static hold on the first and last set.
Cable crossovers: 3x12x70
Incline Bench: 6x4x225
Speed Bench: 2x10x225
Close-grip BP: 2x8225
Superset OH extensions and V-bar pressdowns: 3x10 x 100, 180
Skull Crushers: 4x8x90
Heavy BP: 5X5 or 1RM
Face Pulls, pushups, and shrugs. Rotator cuff work.
For heavy days I have had good results before by alternating between 5x5 and a 1rm attempt every couple of months.
My problems are my left shoulder and a couple inches off my chest. When I was a kid I separated my shoulder and have had problems with it ever since. I am also positioned at my weakest when I immediately come off my chest. The fact that I’m 6’ 3" with long-ass arms helps too.
That’s it about me. I hope to put up my 405 by June of 2008. Phatshady912 and Dreaded should be putting up some blurbs about themselves soon. My next post will be on Tuesday.