I am game to watch it, I am just worried that this movie will follow suit of the others that used so much media publicity. Should be a good couple hrs anyway.
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
I am game to watch it, I am just worried that this movie will follow suit of the others that used so much media publicity. Should be a good couple hrs anyway. [/quote]
What media publicity? I think I saw maybe two commercials on TV and an article in USA Today on Wednesday. Other than that it’s all be word of mouth, mostly here.
Anyway, I’m shuting down the shop and taking all my Marines to see the 1pm show tomorrow afternoon.
I’m sure it will get terrible ratings by the critics.
Mark my words, this will become the new muscle standard, completely blowing away Fight Club. “Dude, how do I get arms like King Leonidas?”, “Dude, I just want a Spartan build”.
Am I the only person on this site really has no interest in this movie? To me it looks terrible. I didn’t really enjoy Sin City, maybe that’s why. Don’t get it twisted, I love epic movies, great action/war scenes, etc. but it looks like that encapsulates the WHOLE MOVIE. Maybe I’ll rent it…
someone is low on testosterone!
[quote]T Ham wrote:
I find it interesting that every single guy I talk to about this movie always says “OH YEA, I’m totally going to see that movie!” I can’t think of any other movie that has evoked such a response.
tmay11 wrote:
Thank you T-Nation once again! Me and my friends have been planing on going to this movie for about a month but none of us could figure out a good time to go this weekend due to conflicting schedules.
I had no idea that it was playing tonight but it is at the local theater and the only reason I checked was because it was mention here, oh yea we are going to see it on the IMAX which I find makes it even better so all the better!
Maybe I’ll see you there, if I can get my friends to go tonight. Maybe Langley (I’ll wear my T-Nation shirt, if I go.)[/quote]
Wow, I didn’t know there was a T-Nation member in Langley. Where in Langley are you? What gym?
The slow-mo fight scenes were unreal! pretty much an awesome movie here…
saw it last night.
[quote]tmay11 wrote:
Wow, I didn’t know there was a T-Nation member in Langley. Where in Langley are you? What gym?
Nah, I’m not in Langley (I live in north van), I was just considering going out there to watch 300 on the IMAX. Not tonight though.
This movie is requirement for all males. You will raise your sons on this film.
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
Tithonus81 wrote:
Makes every other action movie look like girls playing with dolls."
Fucking. Right.
I cant wait to see this movie. I might even bring a spear with me to the theatre and spear the person collecting money at the ticket line, you know, just to get in the right mindset.[/quote]
Damn nice idea, I’ll go with you and shot the guy at the refreshment stand with a flaming arrow. Jump up on the countertop and crush his co-workers skull with a large hammer of some sort. Its gonna be awesome.
Who else wants to come and what kind of mayhem will you be bringing?
[quote]WolBarret wrote:
This movie is requirement for all males. You will raise your sons on this film.
I just saw the movie on IMAX and from the first scene I was blown away. It makes your heart pump and challenges you to greatness. It was a MANS movie. Maximus himself would drool with excitement after seeing this movie.Even the women in the theaters grew hair on their chest after the last reel of this movie.
My only gripe, the last scene was out of sync in the theater I went to. But thats not the movies fault. I never felt 2hrs fly by so quickly in my life.
This movie has balls of titanium.
[quote]Steel Nation wrote:
Every review I’ve read so far (except the USA Today) has said it’s basically a violence-filled test-fest. My enthusiasm has not been diminished. I thought about taking a half day tomorrow to go see it, but if I did that I’d have to see it alone, so I’ll wait until the evening show.[/quote]
Yep, read a review in my news source of choice entitled “Buckets of gore in cheesy slow-mo”.
Now that was a bit of a buzz-kill, but the movie was (as mentioned) quite true to some of Miller’s graphic novel.
Some very admirable physiques, enjoyable cinematography but a bit lacklustre considering the build up…
Definitely a Tuesday-worthy movie, but save your “regular price” pennies for something better.