3 Months Ago

New pics soon, comment if u want

bad angle, small…no stats. Your physique is not good, where did you come from?

3 months is not enough time to post any “photo-worthy” progress.

I like the shelfing on the wall. I imagine you can put a lot of your ‘knick knacks’ up there for display?


Living Color is my favorite black metal band.

has anyone seen that new movie Sunshine?

I see the light! And it buuuuuurns!

holy fuck!! 10 all the way man. Ur physique is AMAZING!!! Unfortunately i was so astounded by ur body that when i went to rate u i accidentally hit 1 rather than 10… sorry dude

I’ve been lifting for a year now. That photo was taken 3 months ago. Also yes I know I’m trying to drop some weight. I weigh 322 @ 6’ 8’’

[quote]PF_88 wrote:
bad angle, small…no stats. Your physique is not good, where did you come from?[/quote]

CT I’m 6’ 8’’ and 322lbs (at the time 330lbs) photo was taken 3 months ago.

[quote]rsg wrote:
3 months is not enough time to post any “photo-worthy” progress.[/quote]

I’ve been lifting for a year. 3 months ago I took the photo. I got new ones soon.

[quote]Mr. Clean & Jerk wrote:
Living Color is my favorite black metal band.[/quote]

I like Dimmu Borgir myself.

[quote]p19blackmetal wrote:
PF_88 wrote:
bad angle, small…no stats. Your physique is not good, where did you come from?

CT I’m 6’ 8’’ and 322lbs (at the time 330lbs) photo was taken 3 months ago.


6’8" 320 pounds plus!!! Why aren’t you on the line in the NFL?


I like your hair in the armpits. That’s why you got a 10 from me, hon’ <3

Seriously, take a better pic and don’t upload this while saying “I will get a new pic in a couple of days” - then wait a couple of days.

[quote]p19blackmetal wrote:
Mr. Clean & Jerk wrote:
Living Color is my favorite black metal band.

I like Dimmu Borgir myself.

Agreed. I caught those guys on the '05 Ozzfest – their show was CRAZY good. My line was actually just a rip-off of an AnalCunt song title.

[quote]Mr. Clean & Jerk wrote:
Living Color is my favorite black metal band.[/quote]

Hahaha! I get it now!


Dimmu is a great band, but far from being black metal anymore. No, not even symphonic black metal.
And it took you 3 months to lose 8 pounds?
Even if you just work to gain lean mass and don’t bother cutting you should have lost a great deal more than 8 pounds. I’m not trying to be a dick, but if you were working hard in the gym and eating “somewhat” nutricious at your weight and bf% you should shed pounds pretty easily at this point.

i have no sense of scale. pick up a prop (condom, severed head, your left sock, dirty dancing dvd director’s cut) and retake the picture.

holy shit dude, I was good at football in HS and if I was as big as you Id be playing D1 ball right now with a possible draft pickup in the NFL. WTF!!! did you play football in school, or at all?? with your size you coulda went places, shit.