[quote]bigbison wrote:
Pretty much as stated above, do people do rep maxs on the 5 week in 3/5/1 when running the 6 week cycle?
I was planing to leave out extra stuff (AMRAP, Jokers etc) on the 5s week to be able to push harder the 3 and 1 weeks.
I was planing to leave in FSLM
I kind of mentions this in beyond 5/3/1 to create a wave effect.
Do I just take it as the weeks come?
I think something like this is adviced and a good idea.
I personally run 3x/week fullbody with 3/5/1 and a 6 week template. I just moved from 5’s pro to doing AMRAP sets again. This is how I’ll do it:
I can roughly estimate how high my weights are in each movement (how many reps I’ll get in each move/week). Then I try to do same amount of reps above the needed reps every week. For example, my bench could look at this:
3+: 3x 3x 6x
5+: 5x 5x 8x
1+ 5x 3x 3-4x
This is how the 5+ stays relatively easy, and I can hit PR’s on 3 and 5/3/1 weeks.
This helps me mentally also, just doing reps without any preplan makes me do too much (not leaving one in the tank), so I’ll have some estimated numbers which I try to reach.
Interesting thing is that I haven’t thought it like this before, but my training has been going in line with this before (getting about same amount of reps above needed numbers in each day).
so in the 5 week you just do prescribed reps? Was just going to ask this…as you can see in the book it shows “or more” but then later says don’t go amrap, which one is it
[quote]jimcros wrote:
so in the 5 week you just do prescribed reps? Was just going to ask this…as you can see in the book it shows “or more” but then later says don’t go amrap, which one is it[/quote]
Yes, usually you would be doing “required only” on the 5’s week. So then the weights over the 4 week cycle are waved like this: heavy, medium, heavy, light.
Another thing a lot of guys like to do on the 5’s week is run up and down the percentage ladder while still doing required only. So that would be 65, 75, 85, 75, 65 percent…all for 5 reps each.
[quote]jimcros wrote:
so in the 5 week you just do prescribed reps? Was just going to ask this…as you can see in the book it shows “or more” but then later says don’t go amrap, which one is it[/quote]
Are you pulling that from Jim’s PL book or Beyond? If Beyond, there’s the 3/5/1 template and then there’s the SVR Template and there are some differences. The SVR template keeps you to 5 x 5 on the 5’s week with no AMRAP sets. Is that what you’re referring to maybe?