2nd Meet Upcoming, Need Particular Advice

Hey guys, first time poster but follower of the website. I have my 2nd meet coming up on Jan 25th in Albany, NY and I have a few questions. I did a meet about a year and a half ago and I did pretty well for my first time (all raw): 380 squat, 275 bench, 480 deadlift. I am having trouble recalling exactly how I trained the week before the meet so I am posting here for some advice. The meet is on a Sunday and I usually deadlift on Saturdays, bench Monday’s, and squat on Tuesday.

So the week before the meet I am just going to do light bench on Monday but I have some questions on the deadlift/squat training. Do you guys think I should DL/squat this saturday which is the 17th? I use to do both in the same day and do heavy but I cut it out a few weeks back so it wouldn’t be new to me to train them heavy on the same day. I am just skeptical as to whether I should skip them (or just do light work) or actually hit them hard as I will have 8 days before the meet. What do you guys think.

23 years old

Current lifts (raw):
Bench: 315
Squat: 385
Deadlift: 475

What are your planned openers? How many times have you hit them recently? Also, is that a typo or have your lifts not changed since your last meet?

My planned openers aren’t set in stone yet but relatively sure what they will be:
Bench: 295 (have hit 315 with a pause, last week)
Squat: 365
Deadlift: 455 or 475

Long story short, I have sporadic times where I can actually train the way I want and eat the way I want. I am in pharmacy school as well as getting an MBA so schedule gets hectic at times. So no that is not a typo on my last meet numbers.

Those numbers are way too high for openers, they’d probably be better 2nd attempts. What are your goal lifts for the meet?

Its kind of a hard thing to answer without knowing your current training frequency and recovery. Alot of people will still lift heavy within a week to 10 days of a meet. Others take it light just to reinforce form and maybe lift commands. Personally I like to hit my deadlift opener and planned 2nd attempt about 3 weeks out. Hit my bench opener a week to 10 days out, and my squat opener and planned 2nd attempt also about 10 days out. But these are not set in stone obviously I just react to how my body feels and recovers, as well as my mental approach and confidence.

My goal is to set a PR at/above 500 for deadlift (have hit 475 for weeks), PR of 400 or so for squat (hit 385 consistently), and 315 for bench (hit 315 with a pause this past week).

These are all ideal numbers I would love to hit and they would all be a PR. I am confident I can hit those openers with ease. Goal is 1200 or more.

Yeah I understand you can’t completely answer the question without knowing training frequency and the like. I am jus trying to get a gauge on what others do so thanks for your reply on how you lift. Now for your first and second attempts, are they usually PR’s and if so which one? So would you be hitting a PR 10 days out for those two lifts?

Something I’ve had good success with in the past and will do for my meet on the 31st is the 2 week Lilliebridge Method taper.

Basically two weeks out you work up to your bench press opener on your bench press workout and up to 50% each on your squat and deadlift workout.

The week of the meet you take off.

[quote]Discobolus wrote:
Something I’ve had good success with in the past and will do for my meet on the 31st is the 2 week Lilliebridge Method taper.

Basically two weeks out you work up to your bench press opener on your bench press workout and up to 50% each on your squat and deadlift workout.

The week of the meet you take off. [/quote]

Thanks I will have to look into it for the future.

[quote]montymonty2 wrote:
Yeah I understand you can’t completely answer the question without knowing training frequency and the like. I am jus trying to get a gauge on what others do so thanks for your reply on how you lift. Now for your first and second attempts, are they usually PR’s and if so which one? So would you be hitting a PR 10 days out for those two lifts?[/quote]

No for my first attempt its something Id feel comfortable hitting for a triple, second attempt depending on feel could match your training PR. I don’t get too wrapped up in hitting PR’s all the time in the gym if im peaking for a meet, If you work up to a max double or triple you should have a good gauge where you are. For third attempts I’d try to set a new PR, because thats what meets are for.

Is the meet at Albany Strength? I have been watching their website and powerliftingwatch for upcoming meets and I haven’t seen any.

[quote]Alrightmiami19c wrote:
Is the meet at Albany Strength? I have been watching their website and powerliftingwatch for upcoming meets and I haven’t seen any. [/quote]

No it is at ABC Sports and Fitness. Albany Strength is having one of their ASPF meets in March I believe but they haven’t posted it online. There are posters up at Albany Strength for it.

[quote]montymonty2 wrote:

[quote]Alrightmiami19c wrote:
Is the meet at Albany Strength? I have been watching their website and powerliftingwatch for upcoming meets and I haven’t seen any. [/quote]

No it is at ABC Sports and Fitness. Albany Strength is having one of their ASPF meets in March I believe but they haven’t posted it online. There are posters up at Albany Strength for it.[/quote]
Wheew, you got me worried for a second. Thanks for the info man. Good luck in the meet. If you decide to do the one in March, I’ll see you there.