Getting ready to start my 2nd cycle my main goal is I wanna pack some quality size while still finishing up nice and lean/vascular!
This is the Novice Cycle #2-3 listed on the Steroid website with my own slight modifcation
Week 1 - 4 50mg Dianabol ED
Week 1 - 8 600mg Test Cypionate
Week 1 - 10 400mg Equipose
Week 8 - 12 125mg Test Propionate EOD
Week 8 - 12 50mg Winstrol
Week 8 - 12 0.5mg Arimidex EOD (If it hasn’t been started due to early sides)
PCT (3 days after last shot)
10 days of HCG at 350UI ED
Week 2 - 4 40mg Nolvadex ED
Week 4 - 6 20mg Nolvadex ED
Age: 27
Weight: 180 Pounds
BF: 12-15%
Training: 4 Years
Previous cycles: Test E / DBol Cycle
Gain nice solid size, while still looking shreded.
I have done my fair share of research and figured this was the ideal cycle for my goal.
“Equipose is only good for 16-20 plus weeks cycle”
I’ve read numerous articles where people reported seeing gains in 10 weeks cycle, and others claiming that you won’t see much what’s the best way to find out? To try it! Now if your still gonna rebuddle on this point please don’t just say “Dont do EQ for 10 weeks your stupid” give me an alternate suggestion and why!
“Why DBol at the beginning?”
Well… DBOL IS FUCKING AWESOME! Hehe I have a remainder left from my past cycle figured I’d use it as a Kickstarter for this cycle probably won’t make it to 4 weeks but figured I’d run it till I ran out. Now this I did just because I have some laying around and I love the DBOL pump, gains, pretty much all about it. If you guys have a reason to advise this other than “you shouldn’t run 2 orals in a cycle” please let me know! I most probably will alternate the dosage/length of time depending on how much I have left might even do 2 weeks just to really kick it off.
I’m always open to suggestions please feel free but don’t be the typical jackass, write facts not broscience when you respond.
Am I over complicating a cycle? Should I just run a Test Prop/Winny cycle?
…just to add on to his comment on PCT. You’re supposed to wait 3 weeks after your last shot of EQ. SO, yes you’re good with that layout.
I’m actually about to run a basically identical cycle in a couple months. My only difference is I’m gonna run the EQ about 400mg/wk for 12 weeks. (Trying to make the most out of 2 vials). I’m running it 12 weeks instead of a higher dose at 10 weeks for the obvious reasons you’ve already stated about EQ. But I’m interested as to which approach is bette.
I am also planning on running Dbol weeks 1-4 and Win weeks 8-12, although I’m leaning towards starting the Win earlier and getting 5-6 weeks of it. I haven’t found my online research discussing taking two orals in a cycle like this, but I have seen the same cycle templates on steroids website you are referring to. I also have talked with a lot of people locally and they run two orals like this and are fine.
As for T, I’m only gonna run Test E the whole cycle instead of switching to Test Prop. This is only because it’s more affordable buying Test E than how much Test P I’d have to buy equivalent. But ideally I would do what you’re doing and run Test P the second half for the cut.
My only advice imo would be to reduce the mg of Dbol so that you can run it a full 4 weeks. So maybe only take half the dose for either week 1 or 4. I think 4 weeks on is better than 3 higher doses weeks. Also, unless you’re set on 50mg from past experience, being that it’s your second cycle, I would recommend lowering the dose. I saw this because in the long run over the years, you’ll eventually need to up the dose. And if you start high you’ll have to go higher. Less risk taking the minimum amount necessary early on.
So I’d apply this same principle to the test. Going with 500mg/week and 100mg/ EOD is sufficient. If you go ahead and start jumping into higher doses of T now, you’ll eventually be wanting to run higher and higher doses in the years to come which is more risk for side affects and more expensive obviously lol.
I’m interested to hear how the your cycle went. Are you still on??