I would pin the blame on a variety of factors being sedentary lasy ass-f–ks, as well as too much damn HFCS (all that soda people drink as their main beverage of choice… great for a nationwide epidemic of teenage Type II diabetics!!)
[quote]905Patrick wrote:
Healthy, lean, strong. TM - from Poliquin’s website. He doesn’t promise huge, freaky and shredded as body building is not his business.
This debate is interesting but what CP offers doesn’t carry over very well to elite and veteran body builders. His approaches are fantastic for strength and power athletes, working professionals who do not have a lot of time or aspirations of being massive, and to those who do not work very hard at the gym, are new to the sport or are looking for ways to change their training approach.
Bricknyce wrote:
We are not getting fatter because of higher carb intake in my book and what the research shows as well. There are other factors. When we were not fat slobs (prior to maybe the 70s), we still ate a lot of carbs. Europeans did too and still do. Go to an Italian, German, Polish, or Irish restaurant. You will see LOTS of fuckin’ carbs to eat!
What is responsible for the increasing rates of obesity in the general population?
Trans Fats and lack of physical activity. Probably more so lack of physical activity. If somebody is physically active and eats like shit they probably won’t be considered obese in our country anymore. lol It’s those kids who eat mac n cheese and play xbox/warcraft/myspace/tnation for 8 hrs at a time. lol
In contrast to you CP is bright. Have you ever thought about that bodybuilders lose fat because they use a lot of juice? Plus the guy has not gained 29lbs because of fish-oil but because of his change of training,diet and supplements. He has taken a lot of supplements besides fish oil. Anyway before you start to criticise guys like Charles try to understand 50% of what he is saying and you know a lot more than you know now. And if you really researched a lot i would suggest you stop researching the men´s health web page and try to get some serious info form scientific sources.
[quote]danielknebel wrote:
In contrast to you CP is bright. Have you ever thought about that bodybuilders lose fat because they use a lot of juice? Plus the guy has not gained 29lbs because of fish-oil but because of his change of training,diet and supplements. He has taken a lot of supplements besides fish oil. Anyway before you start to criticise guys like Charles try to understand 50% of what he is saying and you know a lot more than you know now. And if you really researched a lot i would suggest you stop researching the men�´s health web page and try to get some serious info form scientific sources.[/quote]
Really, and you’ve been here since 04? Go back to lurking please, and refrain from bumping old retarded threads.
[quote]danielknebel is:
fighting a two year old arguement with nobody.[/quote]
really? you really needed to bump this useless thread?
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
[quote]iamthewolf wrote:
[quote]danielknebel is:
fighting a two year old arguement with nobody.[/quote]
really? you really needed to bump this useless thread? [/quote]
dankid remembered his old account’s password?
[quote]HotCarl28 wrote:
all of Poliquin’s stuff seems exaggerated to me[/quote]
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