24 Years Old.... Training for 4 Years

I am 24… 5,9. I have been training for the past 4 years with no specific goals in mind apart from lifting heavy. I have no illusions I am no pro bodybuilder however I will be starting a personal training course and would like to focus on looking as aesthetically muscular as possible. If I can get some constructive criticism on what I need to work on that would be great.

Oh and yes I do know I need to go on a cut

more pics



got a degree of thickness. i say focus on your back and legs, pop the lats out and bring the quads up and your physique will begin to look more balanced.also the arms are good but try and get the delts up
and remember you will look bigger after a cut, forget the scales. good luck

I feel your strong points are your traps, a pretty even chest top to bottom, and like fists said good overall thickness. Critique wise: back as fists mentioned and legs, legs, legs (a weak point for most, myself included). Continue to pack on and get after that cut when you’ve obtained your goals. I don’t think you’re deserving of a 6 (some great physiques on here struggle for a 6) but you have a solid frame to shape into that aesthetically muscular appearance.

the good: you do have good thickness. you have solid traps and a pretty even chest from top to bottom. i thought your delts were ok but everything can always improve (this sport is a constant struggle). the bad: agree with fists on back thickness and width. and always legs, legs, legs (a weak point for many, myself included). i don’t feel you’re yet deserving of a 6, some well developed physiques have struggled to obtain a 6. but you have a solid frame to shape into that aesthetically muscular appearance. continue to pack on the lbs. until you’ve reached your goals then get after that cut. never become satisfied!

sorry for the double…the first didn’t appear even after constant refreshing. fucking internet.

You do not need to cut. Try squatting and deadlifting, because it does look like you do. Use these as before pictures, repost after you have trained your ass off for a year or so. Whats your program or diet look like?

It looks like you’ve never trained anything, save for a few months of light bench pressing.

Seriously what were you expecting to hear? You need to actually train every muscle on your body.Do you honestly think you are at the point where you need to ‘bring up’ a few specific parts?

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
It looks like you’ve never trained anything, save for a few months of light bench pressing.

Seriously what were you expecting to hear? You need to actually train every muscle on your body.Do you honestly think you are at the point where you need to ‘bring up’ a few specific parts?



A half decent frame, and nothing but bench.

degree of thickness? WTF? Who are the morons commenting on these things?

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
It looks like you’ve never trained anything, save for a few months of light bench pressing.

Seriously what were you expecting to hear? You need to actually train every muscle on your body.Do you honestly think you are at the point where you need to ‘bring up’ a few specific parts?

Thanks for the replies so far guys… I will def work more on gaining leaner mass.
Bonez217 hah thanks for the motivating comment… you do seem quite big, esp at 5,7.I do know that my training hasn’t really been geared too much for hypertrophy but i do deads, squat ass to grass, and yes i do bench. (1rm Squat: 145kg, Dead: 170kg, bench: 120kg). I will post more vid/logs of my training on my profile in the next two weeks.

I have 5-6 months to finish my course so hopefully will have better developed physique to show by then.

Good luck on your training endeavors OP. To begin with, you’ve got great shoulder, trap potential starting out. You’re arms will be your strongest point so work on highlighting those. Overall training and mass is essential to bring up proportion and just toning in general. Like I said, highlight your strong points for now, while the other parts are lagging until you can bring them up. Good luck man, hope to see some after pics and enjoy the results of your hard work!

LEGGGGS! …seriously. legs.

Again, our comments were strictly from a bodybuilding standpoint. You might have gotten a better response from a non BBing website, but then since you don’t have hawt abz, you’re really neither here nor there: you’re too small for the BB sites, too weak for the powerlifting sites and too fat for myspace.

This is a rough idea how the scoring system works:
if you’re big and ripped, awesome 8-10.
if you’re big but soft, then its all right but you’ll be asked to lean out. if you’re small but ripped; then again its ok but you’ll be recommended to gain some size. In either case, 5-7.

if you look like you’ve touched a weight or two, but are still in limbo, 2-4.
if you look like you’ve never been in a gym, 1.
if you’re a FUNNY troll, 8-9.
if you’re a boring troll, 1-7.

[quote]PetePazdro wrote:
Thanks for the replies so far guys… I will def work more on gaining leaner mass.
Bonez217 hah thanks for the motivating comment… you do seem quite big, esp at 5,7.I do know that my training hasn’t really been geared too much for hypertrophy but i do deads, squat ass to grass, and yes i do bench. (1rm Squat: 145kg, Dead: 170kg, bench: 120kg). I will post more vid/logs of my training on my profile in the next two weeks.

I have 5-6 months to finish my course so hopefully will have better developed physique to show by then.[/quote]

[quote]pdub690 wrote:
Good luck on your training endeavors OP. To begin with, you’ve got great shoulder, trap potential starting out. You’re arms will be your strongest point so work on highlighting those. Overall training and mass is essential to bring up proportion and just toning in general. Like I said, highlight your strong points for now, while the other parts are lagging until you can bring them up. Good luck man, hope to see some after pics and enjoy the results of your hard work!


Coles Notes.

Do Curls. And tone. Bro.


pretty shit progress for 4 years bro

You need to loose the stomach, Not enough Contrast…

Pete, what you need to work on is almost everything man. Look if someone has consistently been training for 4 years and only comes out with ur current physique there’s a usually general issue going on…much of what your doing is probably being done wrong. Sometimes people are just never taught the right way to do things and they suffer from it…and in many cases for years. Believe it or not, this even occurs in trainers too.

Your physique says to me “I bench, I do my arms, I do crunches, and I do leg presses.”

Whether or not thats all u do is irrelevant, what Im tryin to say is it appears you may be doing those exercises at least partially correct cause you have some ok developement in those areas and those moves arent that hard to do correctly.

I dont think you need to cut, I think you could just kick your ass in the gym and maybe clean up ur diet a bit and you would just lean out as you grow.

If you take some time to truly learn proper squating, deadlifting it would fix your physique up quite a bit. Your back-side is pretty lacking all around. Make sure your doing full squat and deadlift ranges of motion, forget stacking on more weight than u can properly technique with, and do high volume of those motions (say 5 sets+ 15 reps+ of each move) This may bother u for awhile cause your weights will feel low, if so I encourage you to stick with it for a few weeks and then see how u feel. With a good diet that should spark some size growth.

But if you throw too much weight and bypass correct form you’ll just screw urself out of the developement you need.