Greetings, all! The title says pretty much everything. I would be glad to see your comments. The pics are taken before 3-4 months
Lookin pretty good. Legs need work overall (as they do for most of us), and arms (bi’s, tri’s, and forearms).
Keep training hard.
dont forget ur diet,stats, and training
Looking developed. Good job, keep up the good work!
great chest keep up the work
Thank you for your comments. I’ll post my diet/routine sooner. Yesterday after turning off my PC I realized I forget to post a before/after picture

Great progress bruddah. I’m 5’5 also but an endomorph at 195. Not nearly as lean as you. Keep up the training.
Traps, arms, hamstrings need the most work comparitively speaking. Just keep eating big and lifting hard. You’re too young to worry about lagging parts right now. Just continue to make steady progress on all important lifts for each muscle group.
Delts look nice!
Good work. It will be interesting to see your training routine and diet.
Im also very interested in seeing your Training Routine and Diet, Before picture Genetics definitely do not look to promising,
you’ve clearly worked your ass off to get into that shape,
Please Enlighten Me : )
[quote]jwhitet wrote:
Im also very interested in seeing your Training Routine and Diet, Before picture Genetics definitely do not look to promising,
you’ve clearly worked your ass off to get into that shape,
Please Enlighten Me : ) [/quote]
My bad Jwhite i misread your post, i got thrown off by your capitalization and lack of periods. I thought you were strictly commenting on his genetics overall, not in regards to the before pic.
OP nice work its not often we see teens your size on RMP that actually look like they work out, nice job! Your back looks great.