Started at 205 6’1 did a 16 week cut and here I am. I posted a second back shot at 2 weeks out because I realize my posing on show day didn’t capture my full width.
To be honest I’m glad I practiced posing so much because when it was my turn I didn’t even think about the crowd or judges just went through my routine like I had done hundreds of times before.
Awesome taper, great conditioning, and even good color!
So how would you say your experience was? I love hearing from people who go through their first prep, with a vague idea, but no real concept of just what it’s all going to be like on show day. I wish I could capture those feelings and relive my first show again
Sorry, I’m in the military and left for a week or so and haven’t had a chance to check back.
Show day was a bit of a blur. A ton of waiting as there were quite a few competitors in all the various classes, also, men’s physique was second to last in order of events.
I was a bit darker than planned as I had some pretty extreme touch ups the day of causing my overall color to be darker, but hey I can’t complain! The idea is now to get bigger and thicker in my chest and shoulders and add some overall size to my frame for the national stage. Won’t compete for at least a year or so but defiantly plan to do it again.
It was pretty awesome being on stage and being center stage first call outs and staying dead center. Didn’t want to mess up so just stared above everyone’s heads and smiled and acted confident, as I was. The only reservations I had was my size. I knew I was smaller but there were some pretty big guys out there. My region seems to judge people according to how a lot of people say physique should be (less size and more v taper and conditioning). I agree as I know I’ll never be a sidewalk cracking guy without a lot of gh and gear. To be frank I don’t want to be that big. I’m all about aesthetics and strength (I was able to hit 1k total at stage weight).
It was a great experience. I wasn’t even registered for the open (was registered for true novice and armed forces) and my coach told me I had to do the open and I was hesitent (at around 8 weeks out) but did it and it all worked out!
I didn’t post the results in the first link but I took 1st in all three classes but didn’t take the overall (the other guy 100% deserved it, no comparison)