First i must say is sorry for my english, but im from spain.
This is post is just to share something with you, i just readed the article about 20 chin ups, and i find it funny because a few days ago I just reached that goal!!! by following exactly the tips it says but when it wasnt wrotte hehehe!!!
there it is the video and if u cant still do them! GO FOR IT
Thx whatever! in the video. I wasn’t really trying to do 20 pull ups, just trying to do as many as i could,.ando thought that 20 was a food number so i stopped. Next time i will try to do more!
I thought this might be a good place for this. The ladder pull-ups are pretty awesome I think. Has anyone seen anything like it? I’d was thinking about trying to build something to do these, any ideas?
don’t do “arrow-pullups” it’s just silly show off that they do on TV. Mountainclimbers do these type of pullups but they swing themselves up while the barbell(or what they are grabbing) is firmly placed.
similar to this:
You’ll end up hurting yourself when you are tired and misplace the barbell.