I was thinkin that for a bulking phase i would do two a day lifting. i ws thinking maybe this will keep me lean while i get bigf ayt the same time. yaking maybe an hour per session alternating body parts between upper and lower body and or pushing/puillingf muscles. im not sure how my diet plan would work but i would probably havce to eat ALOT. Does any one else do this or have any ideas on this matter your thoughts and ideas are appreciated.
I think you should also spend about 1/2 an hour a day learning to type as well… just busting your chops.
I have been thinking of something similar, but it is the same body parts twice a day…
no i don’t think your proposition would be ideal, but, training same bodyparts 2x a day while keeping volume constant…
If you’re attempting to do this natural, then all you’ll be doing is burning muscle. The fatigue curb will bite you in the ass real quickly. Sure, the pro bodybuilders do this, but they’re on megadoses of steroids to speed up their recovery time.
Yes, I had a short routine duration planned.
I’ve used a two-a-days approach with great success.I would alternate a training day with a recovery day in order for sufficient recovery.Every third week I would work out once per day, as this also allowed for more recovery.I did this for just 8 weeks.Any longer and I would have burnt out, but during this time, my poundages or reps always increased.A sample workout looked like this:
Morning:Front Squats 5x3,Leg Curls 4x6,Standing Calf Raises 3x10-12.Evening:Back Squats 2x10-12,Standing Good Mornings 2x 8-10,Seated Calf Raises 2x20-25.I made sure to keep the sessions at less than 45 minutes or less.Both Poliquin and Staley have talked about the benefits of multiple sessions per day.Just allow plenty of recovery time and make sure you don’t employ two-a-days for two long and you should experience some positive results.