[quote]strongbomb2 wrote:
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
[quote]strongbomb2 wrote:
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
[quote]strongbomb2 wrote:
[quote]CxTucker wrote:
Well, I will say that you’re dumb as fuck to order all your shit and just quit.
That being said, I think it was a smart decision to quit. So you lost a bit of money, oh well. You’re only 18.
YES, you are fine after only 1 injection @ 150mg. You don’t need a PCT. I’m assuming you got blood work prior to starting because you did tons of “research” so if anything seems off in a month or so, you can always go get blood work again and assess any changes.[/quote]
I got my test levels back at 449… Thats low as FUCK for my age. Honestly considering continuing this cycle
No it’s not. Test levels vary tremendously. You may be at 700+ at a different time of day, for all you know.
You’re undereducated. Please keep in mind that this isn’t a decision to be so nonchalant about. If you’re unsure (which you obviously are) you shouldn’t do it. We’re talking about a potential lifetime of needles. Are you sure you’re ready to commit to that?
Right now you’re well within normal levels. And you said you’re making progress in the gym. What happens if you decide to do a cycle, and the PCT doesn’t even bring you back to the 450ish level you’re at now? You’re ready to be on prescribed TRT for 70 years? What happens if you go on TRT and can’t afford your prescription? Then what do you do?[/quote]
Yeah your right… Thanks for the advice. How logn should i wait to start cycling? Like a year or two from now?
you should wait until you’re ready to accept the potential consequences I outlined above, as well as many consequences I didn’t mention. You want to get married and have kids? There’s the potential for steroids to affect your ability to do this. It’s mostly anecdotal evidence, but it’s out there. I certainly wasn’t going to use anything before my son was born.
Bottom line: It may be in a year, and it may be never. Just remember, you can never go back.[/quote]
You say that once you start you never go back. What if i was just only to do 1 or 2 cycles then stop? Like seriously just stop with a strong mind.
You don’t get it. I’m not saying that once you do it, you’re gonna run a billion cycles (although you might, based on what Reed said.) I’m saying that once you’ve done 1 cycle, there is the possibility that your hormones never go back to what they were before that cycle, and you can never be ‘natural’ again. Steroids will always be in your past from that moment forward. Many people regret this. There are members in these forums who sincerely regret using at the young ages they did. I’m saying you can’t undo your actions, so it’s wise to take them seriously.