165 Lb Class Deadlifts by Americans?

So I was just getting inspired by massive deadlifts the other day (especially those in my weight class or near it) and got to thinking, I know Oleksander kutcher just deadlifted 793 at 165 about a year ago, and I know John Inzer (an american) did like 780 or something at the same weight class a LONG time ago…

but are there any American’s in the 165’s (or 181’s) deadlifting 700 or more at all anymore? Why are the eastern block countries kicking our butts so hard at it?

700 is huge in any weight class. In the 165/181 that is fing monstrous.

If you look at the IPF records, 56, 60, 90, 100 and 110 are owned by Americans. That’s almost half. We’re not exactly getting our butts kicked.

I would say, in the 75’s and 82.5, my observation has been, as a generalization, Americans tend to put more emphasis on gaining weight to get stronger than a lot of other countries. We tend to day, “wanna get stronger, move up a weight class.”

I once participated in a conversation with some Eastern block lifters in the presence of one prominent coach where I was basically told weight gain should be driven by strength gains, not the other way around.

What I am trying to say is in America, lifters have a tendency to move up in weight class as a means to get stronger instead of staying in the lower classes and trying to get stronger at that weight. If you look at last year’s USAPL Men’s Nationals Results, look at the gap in lifters b/t 165/181 and 198 and above.

frog lips

[quote]hareboll wrote:
but are there any American’s in the 165’s (or 181’s) deadlifting 700 or more at all anymore? [/quote]

Anymore? You make it sound like 700 was dropping left and right for the 165s. Let me throw the question back at you. How many Americans in the 165 class have ever pulled 700+ in a sanctioned meet? I can only think four or five.

Bob Bridges, inzer, ricky dale crain, austin alexander. Im sure there are more to add to the list but off the top of my head those are all I can remember. And other than kutcher and govorin when was the last time a 165 from any country pulled over 700? It’s been years hasn’t it?

and as far as the 181s go there have been plenty of 700 pulls by americans. david ricks just last week put up 700 at the ipf worlds and he has pulled 700+ before. also brad vargason is in the 700 club as well.

[quote]robo1 wrote:
hareboll wrote:
but are there any American’s in the 165’s (or 181’s) deadlifting 700 or more at all anymore?

Anymore? You make it sound like 700 was dropping left and right for the 165s. Let me throw the question back at you. How many Americans in the 165 class have ever pulled 700+ in a sanctioned meet? I can only think four or five.

Bob Bridges, inzer, ricky dale crain, austin alexander. Im sure there are more to add to the list but off the top of my head those are all I can remember. And other than kutcher and govorin when was the last time a 165 from any country pulled over 700? It’s been years hasn’t it?

and as far as the 181s go there have been plenty of 700 pulls by americans. david ricks just last week put up 700 at the ipf worlds and he has pulled 700+ before. also brad vargason is in the 700 club as well.

I was gonna mention Ricks. That’s a brutally strong guy who just keeps going and going and…

WTF is the story with Ricks?? He’s like the damn energiser bunny.

It should be noted as apw said on the topic of weight gain, aside from Hoop the only classes the US made any really big deal in was the sub 125’s and 125+, Cardella winning and Gillingham coming second in the respective classes. I think that gives weight (sorry, that was [p]unitentional) to the theory the US lifters gravitate more towards the heavier classes.