16 Years Old, 7 Months Training

162 lbs
12-15% BF, more or less not really sure.
training for 7 months, 6 days a week, and need some constructive criticism.


can i ask why 6days a week? the surly is detremental to ur growth.i’d recommend 3 days a week, more and ur doing more harm than good


Ok really go read some articles on basic lifting and nutrition. Also 6 days a week is fine, people just have different preferences. Some of the best athletes train 6 days a week-4 time world strongman Mariez Pul w/e- If you want to train this many days though you need to eat A LOT.

You lack everything right now thats my criticism, read some more stuff and just continue working hard.

Good start, but some goals would be nice.

I suppose my most generic advice is lift a little less (4 days a week is my max, I’ve found that more than that and I start overtraining), do a lot of compound lifts (pull-ups, squats, deadlifts, bench, etc.), and eat like a starving Somalian.

normally lights are on ceilings, not floors

[quote]migrantworker wrote:
normally lights are on ceilings, not floors[/quote]

LOL…I noticed that too

The OP has a great base to start. My advice is EAT and focus on compounds! At 16, it doesn’t really matter what you eat, just make sure to EAT every 2-3hrs. Clean is obviously better…

As far as the days/wk arguement, how long have you been lifting 6 days/wk? Chances are, you need some time off. Remember, you grow out of the gym. Change your program every 8-10 wks, with a week off in between, and you’ll grow like a weed! Set some short and long term goals, then get to reading about nutrition and training. If you’ve been 6days/wk for the last 7 months, spend the time you would’ve in the gym, over the next 10-14 days, using the search function on this site. Good luck and train hard!

[quote]migrantworker wrote:
normally lights are on ceilings, not floors[/quote]
actually the light in that room is on a dresser… but i did put it on the floor haha.
and also about the days a week, i prefer 6 days a week because i get bored taking 3 or 4 days off a week.

Bring up a genetic freak who’s on more shit than king kong, as a validation to train 6 days a week.

train less and see if this does not benefit u… 6 days is def alot for most ppl… im not saying it can’t work but for it to work optimally id say ud be in the genetic minority

judging by the fact that uve been training for 7 months (and i know i dont have a before pic)and u look like u do (which isn’t bad) i would say this is not the optimal training strategy for u

ive also noticed that 4 days a week prolly works best for me… but just go ahead and try maybe even a 5 day split…i had pretty good success on a five day split… and see if u dont get better results… for 5’10 162 is pretty small… if u check out a decent routine or two on here drop to 4-5 day split i dont see any reason u couldn’t gain 10-20 pounds in the next 6 months

how much have u gained in 7 months… also what kind of strength gains have u seen

[quote]ShaneM686 wrote:
Bring up a genetic freak who’s on more shit than king kong, as a validation to train 6 days a week.

just because you train 6 days a week doesn’t mean your lifting 6 days a week just thought I should mention that.

[quote]HotCarl28 wrote:
train less and see if this does not benefit u… 6 days is def alot for most ppl… im not saying it can’t work but for it to work optimally id say ud be in the genetic minority

judging by the fact that uve been training for 7 months (and i know i dont have a before pic)and u look like u do (which isn’t bad) i would say this is not the optimal training strategy for u

ive also noticed that 4 days a week prolly works best for me… but just go ahead and try maybe even a 5 day split…i had pretty good success on a five day split… and see if u dont get better results… for 5’10 162 is pretty small… if u check out a decent routine or two on here drop to 4-5 day split i dont see any reason u couldn’t gain 10-20 pounds in the next 6 months

how much have u gained in 7 months… also what kind of strength gains have u seen[/quote]

i’ve gained about 15-20 lbs the past 7 months while maintaining a consistent body fat percentage which could be a sign that i could have gained more. i will definately try 4 or 5 days a week because everyone is recommending it and i did post here for advice.

heres the oldest pic i have from august 7th

and one from today

15-20lbs in seven months with little fat gain actually seems pretty decent to me… can u be more specific by what u mean by training 6 days a week

shizen makes a good point that training six days a week doesnt mean lifting heavy weights six days a week

day 1 chest
day 2 back
day 3 legs
day 4 arms
day 5 off
then repeat.

occasionally if i feel over worked i do take 2 days off in a row so i guess i usually train 6 days a week but not always.

if you ask me man thats definitely overtraining…

i used to train that often and i never gained a pound. but now i only go in for 3 hours a week and that does it for me…

whatever works best for you i guess…but you are kinda on the scronny side so keep lifting and put 110% in the kitchen

idk man, i train 6 days a week and its worked pretty good for me. im bulking now and ive put on 10 lbs. in the last month and a half. if you continue to train 6 days a week work something different everyday, which i see you already do. but as everyone else is saying, eating os the most important thing.

you have to constantly supply your body, never let yourself feel hungry, but at the same time dont gorge yourself either. eat anything you can get your hands on and dont worry about how many fat grams or calories you are eating because thats how you gain weight, BUT continue to lift and train hard to turn that into muscle, cuz if you dont all it will do is make you fat.

and trust me, im 18 and at our age range, we can eat like that and put on weight and then burn it off fairly easily since our metabolisms are peaked and at their fastest during the teens and early 20’s

6 days a week is fine, its a great hobby to have with all the other bad shit going on today.

It will be ahrder to gain weight due to more calories burned but you can control how much you eat.

If I was to give you advice it would be to focus on the mass builders… Something like

Dumbell rows
T-bar rows
Barbell Curls

Military press
Side laterals
Rear delt raises
Barbell shrugs

Back Squats
Front squats
Stiff leg deadlifts

Dumbell rows
T-bar rows
barbell curls

Flat bench

Back Squats
Front squats
Stiff leg deadlifts

You dont need to do 20 excercises per body part to get big and you dont have to pick special excercises and all that bullshit. Just basic movements with allot of food time and weight.

As far as training goes, find what works best for you. I hear some people say in this thread not to train more than 3 times a week, some say 6 is fine. Personally I like to lift weights 4-5 times a week (sometimes i’ll only manage 3, sometimes 6). Listen to your body, eat alot, work hard, and recover. Uber Newb’s advice is solid. Just dont neglect any bodyparts.

I think 6 is a great number personally-In summer I could do this and had unlimited supply of food so I gained QUICKLY noticeable progress weekly-

I just don’t have the time to get in that often now with school/work/sports so realistically turns into 3-5.