wow @ the guys who are training through their injuries…
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
Which metro? I moved recently, but used to lift at Metroflex in Plano.[/quote]
The new one in SA. Unfortunately, it’s quite dead.
[quote]SavagedNatiion wrote:
170 flat db presses at metro for 7 hard as hell reps.
150s at Gold’s for 12. With a proper slap on the head you’d be amazed how fired up one can get lol.[/quote]
Thats fucking crazy…170lb DB…were they super huge or compressed?
The ones at my gym are HUGE…like hard to balance and do full ROM cause.
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
wow @ the guys who are training through their injuries…
who is?
[quote]Cron391 wrote:
[quote]SavagedNatiion wrote:
170 flat db presses at metro for 7 hard as hell reps.
150s at Gold’s for 12. With a proper slap on the head you’d be amazed how fired up one can get lol.[/quote]
Thats fucking crazy…170lb DB…were they super huge or compressed?
The ones at my gym are HUGE…like hard to balance and do full ROM cause.[/quote]
Yeah… Loading anything up greater than 120s is practically a suicide mission when you’re alone. Full range of motion (no lockouts). When I hit those 170s, all i can say is fuck! Definitely needed a liftoff.
[quote]RUHLFAN wrote:
135sx5 FLAT (triggered bursitis in R. shoulder attempting to setup with 140s.)
115sx8 INCLINE
100sx8 SHOULDER PRESS (seated) / 85sx5 (standing)[/quote]
[quote]RUHLFAN wrote:
135sx5 FLAT (triggered bursitis in R. shoulder attempting to setup with 140s.)
115sx8 INCLINE
100sx8 SHOULDER PRESS (seated) / 85sx5 (standing)[/quote]
shoulder issues/injuries are very serious…
[quote]Cron391 wrote:
[quote]SavagedNatiion wrote:
170 flat db presses at metro for 7 hard as hell reps.
150s at Gold’s for 12. With a proper slap on the head you’d be amazed how fired up one can get lol.[/quote]
Thats fucking crazy…170lb DB…were they super huge or compressed?
The ones at my gym are HUGE…like hard to balance and do full ROM cause.[/quote]
I used to train a gym that had dbs that went all the way up to 300lbs, Kroc style. They got absolutely massive in size, took two guys to lift some of the heavier ones into position for the beasts that were strong enough to use em. Note, the heaviest ones I ever saw used were by a semi-pro bodybuilder whose name currently escapes me, did 200lbs for 4-5 reps.
I’ve trained at Bob Bonham’s gym in Jersey several times over the years. Lots of Pros in and out of there. If I recall correctly, they have a pair of 250 pounders sitting on special supports, with Big Ronnie’s name on 'em. I figure no one else can actually lift 'em -lol.
250+?? Dayum. Fucking dumbell longer than my forearm!!
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
[quote]RUHLFAN wrote:
135sx5 FLAT (triggered bursitis in R. shoulder attempting to setup with 140s.)
115sx8 INCLINE
100sx8 SHOULDER PRESS (seated) / 85sx5 (standing)[/quote]
[quote]RUHLFAN wrote:
135sx5 FLAT (triggered bursitis in R. shoulder attempting to setup with 140s.)
115sx8 INCLINE
100sx8 SHOULDER PRESS (seated) / 85sx5 (standing)[/quote]
shoulder issues/injuries are very serious…[/quote]
I read this as he sustained an injury doing the lift. I don’t see where it says anything about training through an injury…
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
[quote]RUHLFAN wrote:
135sx5 FLAT (triggered bursitis in R. shoulder attempting to setup with 140s.)
115sx8 INCLINE
100sx8 SHOULDER PRESS (seated) / 85sx5 (standing)[/quote]
[quote]RUHLFAN wrote:
135sx5 FLAT (triggered bursitis in R. shoulder attempting to setup with 140s.)
115sx8 INCLINE
100sx8 SHOULDER PRESS (seated) / 85sx5 (standing)[/quote]
shoulder issues/injuries are very serious…[/quote]
I read this as he sustained an injury doing the lift. I don’t see where it says anything about training through an injury…
You are right! I heard a crunching noise in my right shoudler. I took 3 weeks off and got an MRI to make sure it wasnt a rotator cuff tear. After icing daily and staying away from inflammatory foods i started off light and easy in the gym. Its been over 2 months now and my shoudler is all better. Though I am very cautious about things and extra mindful of form, even more than i was before the injury. To be honest, the 3 weeks off I feel I needed anyway-Im a former powerlifter and since returning to the gym i have made huge gains in hypertrophy and my shoulders actually feel better. So the glass is half full for me in this case. But, maybe Ill stay away from the heavy dumbells, I hate setting up with them…much more of a barbell kind of guy! LOL
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
i only do DB floor press now ;)[/quote]
What is a floor press? Pardon the ignorance.
[quote]Waittz wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
i only do DB floor press now ;)[/quote]
What is a floor press? Pardon the ignorance. [/quote]
Lay on the floor and “bench press”. It limits your ROM to hit your pecs pretty hard.
[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
[quote]Waittz wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
i only do DB floor press now ;)[/quote]
What is a floor press? Pardon the ignorance. [/quote]
Lay on the floor and “bench press”. It limits your ROM to hit your pecs pretty hard. [/quote]
exactly this
IME, perfect isolation on the chest without risk of shoulder injury
I found this kinda interesting: I just got access to a new gym not too long ago (school) and the DBs go up to 150. However, everything over 115 is on the floor under the DB shelves and literally covered in dust/cobwebs haha. Ive since dusted a couple of em off.
My best set is probly somethin like 125s for 10 or so.
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
[quote]Waittz wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
i only do DB floor press now ;)[/quote]
What is a floor press? Pardon the ignorance. [/quote]
Lay on the floor and “bench press”. It limits your ROM to hit your pecs pretty hard. [/quote]
exactly this
IME, perfect isolation on the chest without risk of shoulder injury[/quote]
How do you get them into place?
[quote]IFlashBack wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
[quote]Waittz wrote:
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
i only do DB floor press now ;)[/quote]
What is a floor press? Pardon the ignorance. [/quote]
Lay on the floor and “bench press”. It limits your ROM to hit your pecs pretty hard. [/quote]
exactly this
IME, perfect isolation on the chest without risk of shoulder injury[/quote]
How do you get them into place?[/quote]
set them right next to each other upright on a flat bench, scoot under flat bench so i am perpendicular with it, grab handles and lean back into position
[quote]browndisaster wrote:
savagenation that’s really impressive
yeahhhh budddyy
Yeah 200s are much more impressive.
[quote]SavagedNatiion wrote:
[quote]browndisaster wrote:
savagenation that’s really impressive
yeahhhh budddyy
Yeah 200s are much more impressive.[/quote]
Agreed…big Ron was a freak…gotta be to wear those pants.