12 Weeks To Super Strength Semi-support Thread

Heya T-freques. I was wondering if anyone else is currently embarking upon Ian King’s 12 weeks to Super Strength or Limping Into (Insert Month Here). Currently I’m in my second week of both SS for chest/back and the Limping into Oct. series. Been great so far. I am also following a slightly hybrid version of the “Anabolic Diet.” and have found that it has been THE most effective diet for me in terms of leaning out (been on it a mere 3 1/2 weeks). Lata.

MBE: "Attempting to get his article 12 Weeks to Super Socks published since 0028. JADABB founder, 2002."


Would the “12 Weeks to Super Socks” be a subtle way of stating the relationship between the size of one’s feet and his genitals? If so, I don’t think that Ian King had erectile strength in mind…

Oh puh-leeze. That workout is sooooo five minutes ago.

great thread. i’m almost doing the exact same thing. i’m on week 2 of both of those programs and ian’s awesome abs program as well. i’m trying to put on some size so i am eating about 500 over maintanance and am on 4adec and plan on continuing it through the 10th week and then i will just be on tribex and M for the last 2 weeks of the program. I just did the quad domn workout today and am definately struggling. i improved from last week, but still was only able to get 5 bulgarian squats for each leg. the slow tempo is what is killing me. also i only did 95 pounds on the squats and barely got 7 reps. i also find myself using girly weights on the upper body workouts as well. hopefully phase 2 will be better though.

Cress, That would be my OTHER project “12 Weeks to Super Sex.” Again, it is still a workout in progress. Zev, like, whatever. Just step off. "sides, just because it’s older don’t make it stale, sucka. Nic, keep me posted, holmes. Thusfar I’m havin’ a good time with it. Lata.

MBE: “Old’s Kool. Since 1810. JADABB founder, 2002.”
