100% Natural, 5'11 and 350lbs

just finished a bulk.

you’re an animal bro

Just need some nair and tanning oil and your good to go bro.

Post proper pics

Read the rules … oh

I call BS on the natural part. That white shade on your back says otherwise buddy. But other than that, yous looking swole brah…

Dude GH gut is outta control, no way you can compete with that shit. No fucking way.

Holy shit, what do you do for forearms?

more like 400 pound buddy

Where’s the shoe?

Work on your posing man, and get some core strength that stomach is saggin.

Amazing. And on an all-vegetable diet to boot!

eating more than 0.9 bannana a day

Dude, you look stupidly unfunctional… your posture is terrible. Are you some kind of gorilla or cave-man or something!? Back pix pl0x. It looks like you’ve got some winging scapulae. Can’t tell from this pic. OMG! WHY IS THIS PHOTO NOT IN RMP OR PERFORMANCE PHOTOS!!! Mods plz move kthxbai.

Come on brah…natural, I found this picture of you when you first entered the league, still claiming natural? Seriously, look at that forehead.

[quote]lawsonsamuels wrote:
eating more than 0.9 bannana a day[/quote]

Nicely done.

Dude your arms are bigger than your legs…squats and milk

[quote]A Ninny Mouse wrote:
Dude, you look stupidly unfunctional… your posture is terrible. Are you some kind of gorilla or cave-man or something!? Back pix pl0x. It looks like you’ve got some winging scapulae. Can’t tell from this pic. OMG! WHY IS THIS PHOTO NOT IN RMP OR PERFORMANCE PHOTOS!!! Mods plz move kthxbai.[/quote]

your avatar needs to die kthxbye

All the Kai Greene love is great, but he’s gotta enough threads. Gorilla Muscle in 2010!!! Kai is #1!

Wipe that stupid look off your face.

Otherwise good, nice post chain development.