been workin out for bout 5 years now. my diet is pretty good except i eat fast food 3 or 4 times, usually taco bell. i drink like a fish on the weekends. but heres what has happened and i think it looks amazing.
i took some pretty good supplements one was i think called supradrole? idk i took 3 a day for 8 weeks and felt like shit for a long time after and lost a buncha weight that i put on lol.
my routine
usually do lots of curls and pressdowns for arms. my chest i do flyes, cable flyes, incline flyes, decline dumbell, incline dumbell, flat bench, decline bench, smith incline bench and push up variations in each workout. shoulders i just like to hit the lateral raises. i hope you guys are taking notes.
my maxes are
bench 345 x 1
shoulder press 95 x 1
i dont do deads or squats or nonna that shit, thats for powerlifters and stuff i just like showing off my huge pecs.
anyway, leave any feedback, i might take it into consideration since im doing good now after 5 years.
You are perhaps the best thing that has happened to the site since ANACONDA, I suggest you start your own sub forum so you can educate everyone how to get this big. Are you really natural man, I mean I’ve seen people get really big natty (I.e Jim Cordova and Jeff Rodriguez), but this is just scary big. Lol I bet you need 10XL shirts to contain those pythons, can you write up a program for me, I mainly want to tone my bis and get my abs LOL. Looking swole!
I actually can’t get enough of how sexc and toned you are, can you send me some nudes or some pictures of you holding a shoe while stroking your d? You are truly the epitome of male physique… I… I think I… I LOVE YOU!!!
[quote]nik133 wrote:
I actually can’t get enough of how sexc and toned you are, can you send me some nudes or some pictures of you holding a shoe while stroking your d? You are truly the epitome of male physique… I… I think I… I LOVE YOU!!![/quote]
MMF? please?
you dudes are just jealous I’m cut up in the winter and not a morbidly obese 15% body fat like everyone else around this time.
[quote]nik133 wrote:
I actually can’t get enough of how sexc and toned you are, can you send me some nudes or some pictures of you holding a shoe while stroking your d? You are truly the epitome of male physique… I… I think I… I LOVE YOU!!![/quote]
MMF? please?
you dudes are just jealous I’m cut up in the winter and not a morbidly obese 15% body fat like everyone else around this time.[/quote]
yeah i want a MMF, but nik133 and i will be the MM and you the F.(no homo)
Come on dude, go and ask your mom if she needs something for tonight’s dinner (you need that dinner).
so you guys call me a troll when I’m just trying to show off my progress. i see how this forum works. did you not reaad what my chest routine and max is? i think thats pretty damn respectable.
snorlax is my favorite pokeman lol but idk what that has to do with my picture, n00bs. i got 7.1 which is better than most of these amateurs around here.