1) Mag-10, 2) Biceps

First I would like some input from anyone who has tried Mag-10. All the articles that I have read are very convincing, but I know that they are written by the very same people who make the stuff so I would like some non-partial opinions.
Secondly, I think my biceps have come to a plateau and it seems that as hard as I train them they never get sore and/or grow. I change my workout routines regularly and use a wide variety of exercises. The rest of my body is growing so it is not a matter of nutrition. Thanks for your replies.

Do a search for “MAG 10” here on the forum and you’ll get all the opinons you could ever want. Hundreds of them. Literally.

Use the key words “support group” and do a subject search on the forum. Read through the MAG-10 Support Group orginal thread and part 1 and 2. Enough anecdotal evidence should be in there. For highlights of some of those posts read this: Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION and make sure you scroll to the bottom to see all the comments.

Here is a training trick you can try on your biceps. Do dumbbell curls, but bend your wrist backwards. At 90 degrees throughout the movement. This places the forearm muscles at disadvantage, just like donkey calve raises for the calves. Give this a try and see if it does let you feel it in your biceps.
As for MAG-10, sorry, no experience.


I learned something VERY important this week on the Forum that I am still processing. Your answer may be to stop doing DIRECT, “isolation” type of movements on the Bi’s for a while and simply concentrate on the big, compound movements. Many on this site have had success in the form of stimulating Bicep’s growth by doing so.

Pretty Kewl stuff…

If you’re like me, you LOVE to work the biceps, and I believe you should always work them, but of course, take a week or 2 off to let them rest, before you start training them again. I have been thru the same plateaus, and found that short, direct work, with slow reps and pauses at the most concentrated part of the rep makes the bis respond. Do only 3 or 4 exercises~~I am now using barbell curls, Zottman? DB curls, where you stand with a DB in each hand, palms facing sides, alternate each arm~curl starting in the hammer position, as the bell clears the leg, start supinating as you curl the bell, and as you reach the top of the movement, your palm is facing up, and the muscle is at it’s most bulging peak, and then supinate that extra ittle bit, your little finger higher than the others, hitting the bis on both bis movements at once; and I use incline alternate DB, and finally drag curls. I usually only do 2 ex, 3 at the most, but what I do is to work the biceps directly, slowly, and with the same ex to go up in weight, and/or more reps, and then when I reach the last rep I can do, I do one more and hold it at the most contracted position. I only do 3 sets, sometimes 4, as I work bis after legs and back, because I use most muscles at work, and can afford to do less work, but again, FEEL the muscle work, and push the muscle to work, you don’t even have to work with gorilla poundages, just make the muscle go up and down, and supinate. Old Lifter’s idea sounds interesting also.

I also meant to say, that I don’t go to failure every workout, and only on the last set, and because I do bis after back, they’re already fairly warmed up.

I agree with Mufasa. You may be overworking your Biceps. I’ve read articles where bodybuilders say to use 6 different bicep exercise. Yeah right, maybe if you’re on Vitamin “S”. If you are going to do direct bicep work, stick to 2 maybe 3 exercise. One of which should be Scott (preacher) curls.