What does everybody think of this mineral supp.? While you’re at it why not weigh in on calcium supplementation. Thanks for the feedback.

I love zma simply for the help it gives me getting a good nights rest. It’s fairly cheap too.

I have been taking the Biotest ZMA for almost a month now. It definately has helped with my sleeping, not to mention the bizarre dreams I have every night. As far as a boost in T, I am 22, so I can’t really expect much. I bought it primarily to help with my rest. Although, since I have been taking, I have noticed an increase in acne and I have been consistently increasing lifts every week. Don’t know if I should attribut this to the ZMA or not, but I have no plans to stop taking it.

I’ve been using this for over a year and still holding on strong - all because I can sleep better while using it rather than without. Nothing more really.

Agreed. It definitely helps me sleep better.

i have heard a lot about zma, but i have some questions.

  1. how exactly does it help with sleep? i know bill romanowski has said he takes it for this reason, but i do not understand the logic behind it.
  2. is it safe for women?
    a friend of mine has been having trouble sleeping for weeks now, but she says she does not want to see a doctor about it. would it be safe for a 16 year old girl to take?


The product description says that magnesium promotes muscle relaxation so I would guess that’s where the “better sleep” comes in. As for dosages the label says 3 caps for men and 2 for women, but no age cutoffs are listed. If you ever wonder about dosages, etc. just go to Netrition’s site. Every product has a lengthy description as well as a copy of the label with dosages.

thanks rathman

ZMA rocks.

Translation: it does help me achieve a great night’s sleep with vivid dreams, and with no problems getting up in the morning. In other words, it doesn’t have a narcotic-type effect.

Has anyone stacked it with 5 htp before bedtime as a sleep aid? I have heard the 5htp really knocks you out as well.

i keep hearing about these wild dreams. are we talking wild, sex, wet dreams? if so im buying 10.

I’ve stacked 5-htp with ZMA but didn’t really noticed a difference…ZMA also keeps up ole Testy right?

I also have found that I sleep alot better while taking ZMA. Calcium decreases the absorption of both Zinc and Magnesium so make sure you don’t eat any calcium rich foods or take any calcium supplements a couple hours before taking your ZMA. It’s funny how calcium pretty much decreases the absorption of most minerals yet many companies combine them all in multi mineral formulas. Conti has a couple of interesting mineral articles over at his BALCO labs website.

Has anyone ever noticed how there are some really good things that you should be doing but doing more than one will disrupt the other. For example, Cottage cheese is the best to eat right before bed, however it contains calcium, therefore ZMA which is designed to be taken before bead will suffer. So do you go to bed with a full stomach of CC or get a good night sleep and risk going catabolic for longer than one should for muscle gains? Is there any other way around this?


Yes, there is a way around that, something that on of the t-mag staff recomended (I do not remeber which one, it was about a year ago). You take your ZMA in between your evening meal and you post bed protein shake/ cottage cheese. Me for example: evening meal at 7:00 PM ZMA taken at 10:00PM, GROW shake between 11:30PM and 12:00AM. It will work just as effectively. Trust me, I know, I still have the same crazy dreams regardless of taking it 30 min befor or two hours before. Just be sure when you take your ZMA that you have waitied 2-3hrs since you last meal, and wait at least an hour before befor eating anything after taking ZMA. Hope that helps.

What about a glass of skim milk before going to bed? with that interfere with the zma?

milk is no,no with interferes with the absorbtion of zinc.

ZMA is the bomb! One of the best supplements. It may not cause massive size or strength increases, but it’s worth it for the sound sleep and vivid dreams.

I also take a Coral Calcium supplement (in the mornings). I think it’s a pretty good calcium supplement, but I also think that if you eat properly, you should get enough calcium. But it’s worth using.